Who the hell is the guy who shouts “Pleasantly warm!” With each hook in Mortal Kombat and what does it mean in the game?

The creators of the saga came up with a funny joke that has persisted over the years.

The arrival of Mortal Kombat 1 means a reboot of the NetherRealm Studios universe, although the legendary characters of the series are retained. Johnny Cage, Raiden, Liu Kang, and Kitana are back So we can taste the new deaths in high definition.

One of the most popular games is Scorpion, which has become even more memorable since Mortal Kombat II. It was in a 1993 episode when we first heard the cry of “Toasty!” At this moment, the enemy character was completely charred. Its appearance was also accompanied by the appearance of a person in the lower corner of the screen, so players at that time were completely at a loss.

To understand the origin it is necessary to go back to the time when the Midway Games were played Extremely high impact, an American football title released on the NES. During a crucial moment in the match against Ed Boon, the Sound designer Dan Forden She decided to let out an unexpected scream that remained in my memory. As the author himself reveals:

A lot of people ask me where the word “Toasty” comes from. Before working on Mortal Kombat, its co-creator Boon created the arcade games High Impact and Super High Impact, and we obviously played them a lot and while doing so shouted “You’re toast.” This scream had a very special tone of voice, a developer named George Petro suggested that we put our joke in games as easter eggs, Ed decided to take the joke to another level and used it in Mortal Kombat II and the rest is history. ..or something like that.

The phrase means you’re about to overpower your opponent, so it was perfect for the fight title. In order for you to see and hear it on the screen, it is necessary Carrying out the scorpion crime mentioned above Or make a big sound and thus have a very strange moment.

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What’s more, if we go to the portal stage and press down and start when Forden appears, we will be taken to the Goron’s domain to unlock Smoke. Over the years, the “Toasty” shout has appeared in many of the series’ titles, so it’s a tradition that has been honored over time.

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Lovell Loxley

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