Britain summons the Chinese ambassador to London after spying accusations

China’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Zheng Zeguang, was summoned to the British Foreign Office on Tuesday, after Three people are accused of spying for Hong Kongg in Great Britain.

The British Foreign Office said: “It is unequivocally clear that the recent pattern of Chinese-led behavior against the United Kingdom, Including cyber attacks“Reports of espionage links and bounty giving are unacceptable.”

A spokesman said Ambassador Cheng Zhiguang was summoned on instructions from Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron. This was after the men were charged, under the National Security Law, with aiding Hong Kong’s intelligence service and interfering abroad.

Chi Leung (Peter) Way, 38, of Staines upon Thames, Matthew Trickett 37 years old, from Maidenhead, W Chung Pyo Yuen, aged 63, from Hackney, have each been charged with assisting a foreign intelligence service, contrary to section 3(1) and (9) of the National Security Act 2023. Each has also been described. They appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Monday.

British officers and soldiers

Chee Leung Wai, 38, from Staines in Surrey, is a UK Border Force officer based at Heathrow Airport. The other is a former British military man with 35 years’ experience in the force and in state-controlled security services. Matthew Trickett is an immigration officer, ‘enforcer’ and was a Royal Marine between 2007 and 2013. He has a security agency, established in 2021.

They are accused of “assisting a foreign intelligence service.”“Information gathering and surveillance between December 20 and May 2.”


It is alleged that between On December 20, 2023 and last May 2Yuen, Way, and Trickett agreed to conduct information gathering, surveillance, and surveillance Acts of deception Which could potentially help a foreign intelligence service.

It is also claimed that Forced entry into a residential address From the UK on May 1.

The “rewards” mentioned by the State Department refer to Money offered in exchange for informationResulting in the arrest of foreign nationals, which the Hong Kong government proposed in July and December 2023.

Summon the Chinese ambassador in London

Alicia Cairns, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said the recall of the Chinese ambassador was a “long-awaited relief”.

He said, “Hostile interference in British territory represents a serious problem that we must never tolerate.”

Chinese Embassy in London He denied all charges on Monday. He strongly condemned the “unjustified accusations” made by the United Kingdom. He said that the United Kingdom Organized a series of accusations against China“, as allegations regarding Chinese spies and cyber attacks are “baseless and slanderous.”

“It must be emphasized that Hong Kong has long returned to China. Hong Kong is Chinese Hong Kong. The Chinese embassy added, “The United Kingdom has no right or position to point fingers and interfere in Hong Kong affairs.”


During the short court hearing, the three men were released on bail and told they would appear at the Old Bailey on May 24.

Trickett, Yun and Way were charged following an investigation by officers from the Metropolitan Counter Terrorism Command (police), during which a total of 11 people were arrested.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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