Teenage girl talking on cell phone in 1938 as evidence of time travel?

Pictures on the Internet dating back to 1938 have caused a stir among time travel enthusiasts, who claim that they are evidence of time travel, noting that in one of the shots A young woman is seen with something they believe to be a cell phone. This was confirmed by one of the woman’s grandchildren.

In the interesting clip of the film, which depicts people walking towards the camera, watching viewers noticed a young woman holding an unusual object next to her head. This has given rise to speculation and conspiracy theories. It is possible for women to chat via mobile phone, although this was not invented until decades later, according to what was reported by the British media outlet, The Mirror.

When the woman, who was wearing an elegant 1930s dress, lowered the item from her ear, You can see that it is a dark object the size of a handWith the same dimensions as a modern mobile phone. The conspiracy intensified when a YouTube user came forward claiming that the woman in the viral clip was none other than her great-grandmother, Gertrude Jones, who, They claimed he was actually using a mobile phone.


A mobile phone in 1938?

According to a YouTuber who goes by the name Planetcheck, the cordless phone Gertrude was using was an experimental device developed by Dupont, a famous industrial giant, at its factory in Leominster, Massachusetts.

The young man said that “The lady you see is my great-grandmother, Gertrude Jones. She was 17 years old. I asked him about this video and he remembers it very clearly. He says DuPont had a telephone communications department in the factory. They were experimenting with cordless phones. Gertrude and five other women were given these wireless phones to try out for a week. “Gertrude is talking to a scientist who is holding another cordless phone and standing to her right as she passes.”

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It remains a mystery whether the photos are actual evidence of time travel. Or just a great look at an experimental cordless phone from the past and a pioneer of the phones we know today.

Freddie Dawson

"Beer specialist. Award-winning tv enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total social media junkie. Gamer. Amateur writer. Creator."

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