The oceanographic research vessel BIO Hespérides returns after completing the 37th Spanish Antarctic Expedition

Secretary General for Research Eva Ortega and Director State Investigation Agency (AEI)Yesterday, Mr. Domenic Esperio, representing the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU), attended the reception of the Oceanographic Research Ship (BIO) Hespérides, which was held yesterday at the Cartagena Arsenal, after the completion of the 37th Spanish Antarctic Expedition 2023/2024, where 30 projects were developed. Research.

“The MICIU allocates an average of 10 million euros annually to the Antarctic research campaign, which is an essential investment so that basic sciences become solutions for people’s lives,” emphasized Secretary General for Research, Eva Ortega.

Ortega also highlighted the work of the research and technical staff that participated in this campaign and celebrated that they achieved all expectations.

For his part, AEI Director, Domenic Esperio, emphasized that “during the Spanish Antarctic Expedition 2023/2024, 30 research projects were developed, 19 of which were directly funded by the State Research Agency, through national and European calls, which represents more than 75%.” of activity.”

The projects were carried out at different Spanish-operated facilities in Antarctica: the two Spanish Antarctic bases of BAE Juan Carlos I with Camp Byers International (Livingstone Island), and BAE Gabriel de Castilla (Deception Island). BIO Hespérides developed 6 of these research projects in the area around the South Shetland Islands, as well as providing logistical support for the entire Spanish Antarctic expedition.

Esperio stressed the importance of the continuity of Antarctic expeditions that provide results over long time series, which are of great value for monitoring climate evolution not only in Antarctica, but globally. The progressive presence of invasive species, some of which contribute to human disease vectors, is also a cause for concern and concern. It is worth noting the international nature of many of the activities undertaken by researchers on board the BIO Hespérides, all of which are of great impact and importance. AEI, which will continue to support these actions, thanks the Navy for its support and participation in polar research.

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From the nature of penguins to invasive species

The 30 projects selected for the recent Spanish Antarctic Expedition focused on different topics and scientific disciplines, studying everything from climate-induced changes in the behavior of penguins, to the discovery and characterization of invasive species, the use of geothermal heat from volcanoes to the production of electricity or monitoring permafrost. To strengthen the fight against climate change. These projects are jointly financed with European funds.

The event was chaired by the Admiral of the Naval Action, Victoriano Gilabert, at the D. Juan de Borbón Pier and was attended by authorities, family members of the crew and researchers.
/ As part of this mission.

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About the State Investigation Agency (AEI)

The State Research Agency, an independent body under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, aims to promote scientific and technical research in all fields of knowledge through the effective allocation of public resources; It is the largest funding entity for research and innovation in Spain. In 2023, it will finance more than €1 billion in projects and aid for research and innovation in all research sectors, from the humanities to materials and ICT, promoting knowledge transfer through various actions.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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