What foods should you avoid when you have a bad stomach, according to science?

It is a very common health disorder and, in general, temporary. Its main characteristics are Soft, liquid stools are more frequent.

after A day or twoThe digestive system returns to functioning normally, and bowel movements return to their normal form.

However, if it persists for several weeks, for example, it may be a symptom of a larger problem, such as inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

While diarrhea continues, some foods and drinks help relieve it. But it's also comfortable Abstain from many others.

Causes of diarrhea

the Mayo Clinicfrom the United States, highlights the main causes of diarrhea in virus (Norovirus, enteric adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, and rotavirus, a common cause of acute diarrhea in children).

Diarrhea: Foods you should avoid are fried, those that produce gas, and others. Photo: Clarin.

the Pathogenic bacteriasuch as Escherichia coli, can also be produced Diarrhea like Parasites Take it with contaminated food or water. Clostridium difficile is another bacteria associated with this condition and can appear after hospitalization or antibiotic treatment.

specially, Antibiotics They eliminate bad bacteria, but also some good bacteria, causing intestinal imbalance. Something similar happens with anti-cancer treatments and antacids containing magnesium.

More causes of diarrhea: Lactose intolerance, difficulty digesting fructose, use of certain sweeteners (sorbitol, erythritol, mannitol), and surgeries on the gallbladder or part of the intestine. Chronic diarrhea is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative and microscopic colitis, and others.

Foods you should avoid when you have diarrhea

he National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases From the United States that “research shows that in most cases, it follows A restricted diet does not help treat diarrhea. “Most experts do not recommend fasting or a restricted diet.”

Diarrhea.  Hydration is essential.  Avoid soda and drink a lot.  Water or sports drinks.  Shutterstock photos.Diarrhea. Hydration is essential. Avoid soda and drink a lot. Water or sports drinks. Shutterstock photos.

But in cases where the intestines are very sensitive, Water and type of diet They play a very important role in reducing the effects of this disorder.

There are some recommended foods and drinks and many more It is recommended to remove it from the diet for a few days. According to an article on the portal Medical news todayHot cereal (oatmeal), bananas, crushed applesauce, unsalted white rice, bread, boiled potatoes and water crackers are helpful.

To fight dehydration, you need to drink Plenty of water throughout the dayEven after each bowel movement, to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. the Sports drinks It is also indicated that they recover from diarrhea.

And in the list prepared by this specialized health website It also highlights foods to avoid: Spices, fried or high-fat foods, such as beef (replace with steamed vegetables or lean proteins).

Foods you should avoid if you suffer from diarrhea.  Ditch the spices and replace fried foods and meat with steamed vegetables.  Photo: Clarin.Foods you should avoid if you suffer from diarrhea. Ditch the spices and replace fried foods and meat with steamed vegetables. Photo: Clarin.

As for drinksAvoid soft drinks, coffee, tea, wine and all alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, etc.).

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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