What are the five least popular Latin American passports?

From the global passport rankings, it can be concluded that the five Latin American countries whose passports have the least reputation.

he World Passport RankingProduced by a British company Henley & Companyrevealed what it is Less popular passports in latin america.

This is based on a survey, which takes into account a total of 199 passports around the world In the number of destinations they allow their airlines to enter without the need to obtain a prior visa. “In the face of a decrease in visa demand for travel, the greater the location in which the passport of the said country is located.” Explained by Henley & Company. Thus, passports that require a visa for a greater number of destinations occupy last places in the rankings, revealing the complexity behind the power of a passport.

Countries like Spain, France, Germany And Italy It is at the forefront of the index, allowing its citizens to travel without a visa to up to 194 destinations around the world, highlighting the disparity in freedom of movement that different countries suffer from.

among Latin America, Chile, Argentina And Brazil They are the most prominent, as they are ranked among the top twenty in the world, which indicates a greater degree of international openness. Mexico, Uruguay and Panama were also mentioned favorably, appearing among the top 30 countries in this regard. These data indicate that there is a significant gap in access to international travel without visa restrictions, even within the Latin American region itself.

The Henley Passport Index is internationally recognized as an indicator of the freedom of travel afforded by passports from different countries (Illustrated Image Infobae).

he Henley Passport Index It is considered a global reference in evaluating the strength of passports since its first issuance in 2006. “The methodology developed by the European company sets the score at 1 for each destination for which a passport does not require a visa.”specialists highlight this, providing clarity on how to compare the mobility that different countries provide to their citizens.

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Cooperation with the International Air Transport Authority (IATA) Enhances the accuracy of the study, and includes reviewing bilateral or unilateral visa waiver agreements to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. This alliance underscores Henley & Partners’ commitment to advancing a deeper understanding of how visa policies impact global mobility.

“The tool is suitable for individuals interested in international mobility and for governments assessing the impact of their visa policies.”“, commented the spokesperson for the consultation. This demonstrates the importance of the indicator not only for frequent travelers but also for the design of public policies that seek to improve the international status of national passports.

In total, there are 106 positions in the classification, due to the parity that exists between several countries in occupying the same place or consideration.

The Latin American countries whose passports have the least reputation are Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
  1. Haiti: Central American passport a result The weakest of all latin america. It consists of only 55 destinations are available for visa-free entryWhich puts it in 87th place on the list. It shares a location with countries such as Vietnam, Egypt, Comoros, Chad, Bhutan, Central African Republic and Chad.
  2. Cuba: The island is the second in Latin America with the lowest level of prestige. It ranks 79th Along with two other countries: Mongolia and Uzbekistan.
  3. dominican republic: The country whose capital is Santo Domingo, located in 69th place In solitary confinement.
  4. Bolivia: Citizens of the Plurinational State enjoy The weakest passport in all of South America. It consists of visa-free entry to 82 destinations, sharing location with Thailand.
  5. Ecuador: Despite being fifth on the scale, it has a location that makes it close to… It means standardspecifically in 57th place At the global level. Passport of the Nation with notable cities like Guayaquil and Quito has 95 destinations can be reached without a visaTo find itself alone in that location and even above countries such as China and Saudi Arabia.
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The report highlights the need to continue working on bilateral agreements that facilitate international mobility and improve the reputation of Latin American passports around the world. At the same time, citizens of these countries face restrictions that affect their ability to travel freely, which directly affects business, study and tourism opportunities.

Freddie Dawson

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