‘Niad’ on Netflix: Film recounts the feat of the 64-year-old swimmer who crossed 117 kilometers of open water

These days, Netflix has released the new movie Naiad. It is a biographical film about Diana Nyad, the woman who achieved an almost impossible dream at the age of 60: swimming 117 kilometers (110 miles) in open water from Cuba to Florida in the United States.

Based on true events, this film tells the story of the determination of a swimmer who trains hard for 4 years to complete the swim. This tour took place in 2013 and took over 50 hours to complete.

Nyad was one of the most popular athletes in the United States during the 1970s, setting numerous records in open swimming. She attempted the same trip when she was 28, but failed because the currents took her into the Gulf of Mexico.

After retiring as an athlete to devote himself to sports journalism, he tried again 30 years later. Thus, he succeeded in doing so after several attempts at the age of 64 years.

Once on land, Nyad became the first person to make this journey, and even more impressively, he did so without the protection of a shark cage.

Naiad Available now in flow

Annette Bening is the actress who stars in this feature film, bringing life to the role of Diana. He is 65 years old. The artist has been nominated for an Academy Award four times and has starred in films such as American beauty And a series like The soprano.

Also participating is two-time Academy Award winner Jodie Foster, who plays Bonnie Strohl, Naiad’s best friend and trainer. For her part, this actress is recognized for her work in Silence of the Lambs And taxi driver.

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Naiad It was directed by directors Elizabeth Chai and Jimmy Chen. It is also based on the autobiography of the athlete herself, published in 2015 as Find a solution.

In Costa Rica, the American film can now be watched on the streaming platform. flow. It should be noted that it is suitable for people over 13 years of age and lasts for two hours.

Audio is available in English (original), Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Meanwhile, translation is available in English, Spanish and more than 35 languages.

Terry Alexander

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