Why do we spend more at Christmas? Science reveals the real reason – Teach me about science

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the Christmas It is just around the corner, and with it comes a magical atmosphere that invites us to share special moments with our loved ones. But have you ever wondered why we tend to spend more during these times? The answer is hidden in the complex corners of our brain, where… Neurology And the marketing It’s a handshake.

Since the beginning of December, cities are lit up with festive lights, markets and decorations, filling us with the spirit Christmas. This progress is not just a coincidence, but rather a strategy known as “Christmas creep” that seeks to prolong the period Christmas shoppingFor economic reasons. In other words,We consume more at Christmas Because companies want us to do it!

Behind our purchasing motives lies the complex neural network of our brains, and this is where it comes in Neuromarketing. This discipline uses techniques Neurology and psychology to understand the brain mechanisms that drive us to buy and benefit from them. It’s not just about advertising, it’s about activating emotions that create emotional connections with products.

A common technique in Neuromarketing It generates emotions when promoting a product, thus creating an emotional bond with the consumer. In this sense Christmas It is the perfect place, because it evokes feelings of joy, love and family reunion. It has been discovered that Oxytocina hormone linked to loyalty, is involved in the emotional connection we develop with certain brands.

To understand consumer preferences at the brain level, Electroencephalogram, a technique that measures emotional experience in a non-invasive way. the goal? Find out how we react to commercial stimuli, especially during the season Christmas.

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the Christmas, with its advertisements filled with bright lights and festive messages, becomes fertile ground for activating emotions in consumers. From advertisements promoting products to slogans that highlight the joy of meeting loved ones, everything is designed to awaken our emotions, and thus our purchasing impulses.

Imitation also plays a crucial role in this game. Trading strategies and emotions associated with trading Christmas It’s built around the traditions we’ve created. Whether it’s a family dinner, a parade Kings Or grapes to welcome the new year. These rituals have become ingrained customs.

Commercials, in many cases, become traditions Christmas For themselves. By repeating themselves year after year, they create an emotional connection and are integrated into our celebrations. Herd mentality also plays an important role, as we tend to follow the behavior of those around us, especially around the holidays.

What happens at the brain level? Dopaminergic neurons, which secrete Dopamine When we do pleasant things, they participate in the formation of habits and traditions. Thus, repeating certain behaviors, such as exchanging gifts, becomes satisfying and reinforcing.

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In terms of aesthetics, areas such as the orbitofrontal cortex play a crucial role in judging the beauty of different experiences, whether visual or auditory. These areas are active when we perceive aesthetics ChristmasFrom the decor to the festive music.

Science reveals to us that our behavior as consumers… Christmas It is strongly influenced by cerebral and emotional mechanisms. As we enjoy the holidays, it’s important to be aware of how these business strategies impact our purchasing decisions. The mind must balance our impulses, allowing us to enjoy the season without becoming completely captivated Consumerism Rampant.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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