What it means and what day it will be – teach me about science

Throughout the year, there have been countless astronomical events, and to this day they continue to gather in the night sky, and on this occasion, although we will not conclude the year with the event we are about to tell you about, it will be one of the most exciting days of the year. Symbolic, so pay close attention to this information and note this day.

Halley’s Comet at apogee

The culprit is<جسم أصغر حجما، يتراوح قطره من بضعة أمتار إلى بضعة كيلومترات، ويتكون من الجليد والسيليكات>> According to information from Spanish Astronomical Society.

The association itself states that the orbits of these comets are generally rectangular, which leads to their distance from the sun most of the times they are present.

One of the most famous comets in the world is Halley’s Comet, which was recognized as periodic by astronomer Edmund Halley in 1705. However, this same comet had previously been seen on the European continent in 1456 by another astronomer named Johann Müller Regiomontano. However, the exact year of its appearance is not known.

According to the scientific journal National GeographicAnd Edmund Halley arrived< إلى أن بعض المذنبات تدور حول الشمس، وتمكن من التعرف على دورية اقتراب هذا الجسم من الأرض >>.

On this occasion, the most famous comet (Hale) will reach its zenith, and here we tell you all the details you need to know so as not to miss it.

For years Halley’s Comet was expected to reach its peak in December 2023. At that time only the year was known, but not the exact date. Today it is known that this will happen over this weekend, with the largest on Saturday.

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Image credit: History

We know apogee as the furthest point from the Sun where an object is orbiting, meaning Halley will be furthest from the Sun this weekend.

It is known that the famous comet was present near our planet in 1986, which is a very magical situation, as some witnessed this amazing event. Years later, Halley’s Comet was last seen in 2003.

On Saturday, December 9, at 7:00 pm in central Mexico, according to data from laboratoryThe comet will be located 3,514 astronomical units from our star, the Sun.

There is no doubt that the night sky continues to surprise us with every astronomical event, offering us the best shows, and this time will be no exception.

Don’t miss this wonderful Christmas gift that Heaven has to offer us this weekend! It’s not known exactly when something like this will happen again, but we’re pretty sure it will happen in a few more years, so don’t miss it.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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