The first scattering map of elements in galaxies – Science and Technology

The first high-resolution map of a big bang in a nearby galaxy shows how huge amounts of gases and material spread out into space, up to great distances, to give life to new stars and planets.

The result was published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society by the group coordinated by Adam Watts, from the University of Western Australia, with the participation of Italians Barbara Catinella and Luca Cortese, both from the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research ECRAR. , also in Australia.

When stars reach the final stage of their existence, they generally produce very violent explosions that scatter much of their material into the surrounding space.

“We know very little about what's going on with these aircraft and their characteristics, because they're really hard to monitor,” Watts said.

By analyzing jets of gas ejected into the Virgo Cluster galaxy Ngc 4383, researchers have now been able to analyze its composition in detail for the first time.

The analyzes highlighted the presence of elements such as oxygen and nitrogen and assessed their diffusion using observations made by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope located in Chile.

The analysis revealed that these elements are being pushed too far from their original point of origin, which will “pollute” the entire galaxy with heavy material. Thanks to them, it becomes possible to form new stars and give birth to rocky planets like Earth.

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Aileen Morales

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