This is the healthiest fruit in the world, says science

There are a lot of people who Choose a healthy diet Which contains basic and local foods. Experts They always recommend Meal plan as balanced as possible, Taking into account that there are certain foods that should define the priorities And something else is better Reserve for specific situations. the fruit It is one of the most recommended foods. In reality, Global Health Organization It is recommended to take as Minimum 400 grams of fruit per day.

Its equivalent is 5 pieces per daybut not all Pieces of fruits and vegetables They have benefits of both. For example, Starchy tubers, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, It should not be consumed too often. On the other hand, there are others who are Highly recommended For consumption daily.

This is the healthiest fruit

With a purpose Share those most beneficial foods publicly Our body has centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The United States has compiled a list of the healthiest vegetables and fruits. the The fruit that tops this ranking It is one of the most valuable and used things in the summer: tomatoes.

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he standard They were used to compile the list Nutrient density based on vitamin and mineral content What every fruit or vegetable contains. Mostly tomatoes Part of waterbut the main macronutrients They are carbohydrates. Moreover, it is also an important source of Proteins, carotenoids and vitamin C.

The benefits of tomatoes

The fact that a Nutrient-rich fruit Offers a wide range of Health benefits. Since the improvements in immune system Even the benefits are in Prevention of eye diseases. Here we explain some of them.

  • Improves bone health. Lycopene is responsible for giving tomatoes their reddish color, but it’s also a compound that helps keep bones strong and healthy. Of all the existing tomato varieties, the “pear tomato” variety is the one that contains the most lycopene.

  • Helps lose weight. The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit make it an ideal ally in controlling excess weight. Eating tomatoes can increase feelings of fullness without resorting to eating large calories: they are a food rich in fiber but low in calories, which is an ideal combination.

  • It has antioxidant power. In addition to vitamin C, tomatoes also contain, to a lesser extent, vitamins A and B, all of which prevent cell oxidation, which improves skin health. This is something that lycopene also contributes to.

  • Helps digestion. Pectin is a compound that helps improve digestive health. Tomatoes contain pectin, so they also help prevent diarrhea or constipation.

  • Improvements in the immune system. Vitamin C is also linked to strengthening the body’s defenses, so tomatoes help defend us against potential infections and viruses.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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