Salaries in the scientific sector continue to decline

While a great victory is being waved, with inflation in April reaching single digits, salaries and wages in the science and technology sector have not only not rebounded, they do not seem to have found a footing. In Connisett, since they did not receive a nominal increase, this decrease last month amounted to 8.11%, which is equivalent to 26.14%. In the first five months of the new administration.

the University salaries It achieved a nominal increase of 8%, but decreased in real terms by 0.76%. And the accumulation of a drop in 28.51% real since November.

the wages general They also had no nominal increases: They signed 8.11% in April and adds up to 15.8% In the same period. In the context of A Economic inflation By 289.4% on an annual basis (107.1% since taking office). new government)the State governments today have 51% of the purchasing power they had in December 2015.

These are the conclusions of the analysis conducted by the group Economy. Policy. Sciences (EPC), which integrates Ibero-American Center for Research in Science, Technology and Innovation (Ciicti), created in December and hosted by the National University of La Plata (UNLP) and the National University of San Martin (UNSAM). The project, run by former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Vilmos, aims to promote research in the social studies of science and influence the formulation of science policies.

“We started putting it together in December, but the Universities Signature only came out about a month ago,” says Gabriela Dranowski, a practicing philosopher and co-director of Ciicti. We carry out these analyzes by taking official information from the Ministry of Economy's Open Budget page, with data from Indec and with inflation data. We prepare three monthly reports on salaries, what happened to the budget and other “macro” aspects of science and technology, which are released on a pre-determined date. We're trying to create something like the Science Index“.

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The Ciicti Centre, funded by the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), plans to conduct an analysis of scientific systems in Argentina and Latin America, as well as in Spain and Portugal. “We sign agreements with different countries,” explains Dranowski, who was undersecretary for evaluation of the Daniel Vilmos administration and was responsible for the program of 23 high-impact projects on strategic topics, which would have awarded $1 million in subsidies. One dollar each over four years ( . -20238821430). The board of directors of the new center also includes Fernando Tauber, Dean of UNLP, and José Luis Zarate, of Unsam.

With the loss of A 26.14% real, Conicet salaries decreased to levels August 2021, thus reversing the effects of the latter Four hierarchies From the living organism. “The policy towards the sector seems to be fully on target before the third quarter 2019 salary level,” states the EPC.

To the same extent It has been reduced Salaries received by colleagues. “from May 2021 This level of low income has not been reachedWith which the salary increases Only one save was made A period of four months The effect of the latest Six hierarchies He adds: “Sector-specific.”

Regarding SINEP (Public Employment)where is the Workers From different alsoScientific and technological organizations, There were no increases during the month of Aprilso they dropped a 8.11% A month and have a drop of 15.80% real from November 2023. That is, they are in A Lowest level ever: It was reduced by half in just over 8 years.

Something similar is happening in national universities. He took the position of witness from the position of assistant professor With dedication Exclusive And 10 years Old, even though they have Nominal increase 8% over the past month, they are actually a 28.51% by less From the income threshold November 2023 In the last Five months Remains 35.9 real points below the December 2015 level.

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In short, there is a The general decline in salaries of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System. “Taken as a base November 2023 (Last month it was settled by the previous administration), the General Employment Scale (SINEP) Lost 15.80% in real termssalaries and allowances Conisit 26.14% real And researchers in UUNN a 28.51%”they conclude.

All of this, in addition to the decline in doctoral grants, layoffs of workers, the destruction of organizations, and the paralysis of ongoing work and research projects, can only create fertile ground for new brain drain at a time when the majority of countries in the world are suffering from brain drain. The region is intensifying its efforts to develop national scientific systems.

Vilmos says: Without a doubt, The decline in salaries for researchers and scholarship holders will have serious consequences for science and technology in Argentina. A large part of them will search for new horizons outside the country. Especially the more educated and younger. This means paralyzing many of the most important scientific development projects that require years of effort and investment, but mainly losing the enormous capital that Argentina invested in their establishment and which we will “donate” to the central states for free. Having repatriated more than 1,500 scientists through the Rice program, we will once again lose the best of our professional capabilities. It is necessary to adhere to the financing laws and the 2030 Plan that were unanimously voted on in Congress, and to end the pendulum operations of progress towards state policies.“.

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The full report can be viewed at

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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