These are workers who can retire early at age 60

Early retirement is an option that may seem very attractive. Finishing your career as quickly as possible and starting to enjoy your free time is the dream of many, but not everyone can do it and those who do should know that. He will be penalized financially.

Furthermore, as of January 2022, the penalty has become greater. The reason is that the pension system must be preserved, and this is what the government is trying to do – Encouraging workers to retire when they reach the legal age For his sake and not before.

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In 2023 the normal retirement age is 66 years and 4 months if you are under 37 years and 9 months of contributions. This means that anyone who wishes to request early retirement must be at least 64 years and 4 months old if he has less than 37 years and 9 months of contributions. But if contributions are accumulated for 37 years and six months or more, the normal age for regular retirement will be 65 years, and therefore early retirement can be requested starting at 63 years.

This is the age at which you can retire if you collect over-52 support

but What happens if someone wants to retire at age 60? Is it possible? In some cases yes, but only some can Lucky The rule stipulates that early withdrawal must be at most two years less than the legal amount applicable in each case.

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Specifically, those who are part of One of these seven groups: Firefighters, members of the Ertzaintza Corps, flight attendants, railway workers, artists, people from the world of bullfighting or the local police.

Firefighters will be able to retire at age 60 or 59 in cases where 35 or more years of active activity and contribution to the fire department are demonstrated, Bankinter said in his blog.

The normal age required at any time to receive your pension It will be reduced by a period equivalent to that resulting from applying for all actual years of work As a firefighter the reduction factor is 0.20%.

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the Reducing transactions Early retirement is the reduction rates applied to the retirement pension, which increase as the person advances in retirement age. That is, the younger you retire, the lower your pension will be.

In the case of members of the Irtzitza Corps, they may also retire at the age of 60 or 59 years in cases where they are certified. 35 years or more of active activity And quote.

The normal age required at any time to obtain a retirement pension will be reduced by a period equal to that resulting from the application of the coefficient Discounted 0.20% For whole years it actually worked.

An escalator attendant at Terminal 4 (T4) of Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport. (Europe Press)

The minimum age requirement will be reduced by a period equivalent to that resulting from applying a reduction factor to the period of “effective work” in each category:

  • 0.40 in the pilot and second pilot.
  • 0.30 for aircraft mechanic, navigator, aerial photography operator, technology operator, aerial photographer and aerial camera operator.
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For railway workers, a reduction factor of 0’15 or 0’10 applies.

Singers, dancers and trapeze artists can receive a pension from the age of 60. Without applying discount factors– He must have worked in the specialty for a period of no less than 8 years during the 21 years preceding retirement.

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As for other artists, from the age of 60, with one reduction 8% in the pension rateFor every year remaining until reaching the required normal age at any given time.

In the world of bullfighting, bullfighters, rejoneadores, novilleros, banderilleros, picadors and matadors will be able to retire early 55 years old The puntilleros are 60 years old. The age limit for porters and their assistants is 65 years or the normal age required at any time. However, they may retire at the age of 60 with a reduction factor of 8% applied for each year of anticipation if they perform 250 ceremonies in any professional category.

A local Valencia police agent in Halloween gear. (European press)

The normal retirement age will be reduced for a period equivalent to that resulting from applying a reduction factor of 0.20 to all actual years of work.

In 2021 and 2022, 36 years of active contributions as local police. In 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 36 years and six months of active contribution as a local police officer. In 2027, 37 years of effective contributions.

Freddie Dawson

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