The Ultimate Trick to Calibrate Google Maps So Your GPS Never Lets You Down, This Is How It’s Done – Teach Me About Science

In the past, when GPS did not yet exist, people would determine their location using maps and ask others for the locations of places, however, these pointers and signals were sometimes not very clear and people could easily get lost, so it was It is necessary to travel a lot and be able to know the streets and roads exactly to arrive with a certain precision.

Thanks to the development of technology, GPS devices were created that facilitated navigation. They were initially sold as standalone devices and integrated into cars, but their drawback is that they do not estimate real-time traffic and do not warn of mishaps on the road. Minimum estimated arrival time to a specific destination.

Faced with this situation, some software and mobile phone manufacturers have developed very useful applications to facilitate users’ GPS navigation and add many functions that GPS devices did not have. Nowadays we can use applications such as Google Maps (from Google)Maps (iOS) and Waze for navigation, but for them to work properly, we must make certain adjustments to their configurations.

Today we’ll teach you how to calibrate your Google Maps so you’ll never get lost again through a series of simple steps, so pay close attention.

How to calibrate Google Maps on your cell phone?

It is important to note that this setting works with Android and iPhone devices. according to ADSLZOne portalThese are the steps needed to calibrate your cell phone’s GPS:

Firstly: Open the location settings on your mobile phone and from here search for the application Google Maps

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second: Open Settings or Mobile Settings.

thirdWe search for the “Location” section among the options, and the following list appears:

  • always allow
  • Allow only while using the app
  • Always ask
  • do not allow

room: Select the option “always allow.” Along with this, below the options you should turn on the button that says: “Use exact location“. Thanks to this option, the application will allow you to determine your location correctly and not approximately.

Configuration of Google Maps, credits to Enséñame de Ciencia

Calibrate the phone, a very important extra step

Besides the previous steps, it is important that you calibrate your cell phone so that your GPS works 100%. To do this simply do the following:

Firstly: Open the application Google Maps.

second: Move your cell phone in a figure 8 or infinity several times and indicate the direction in which you are moving it.

An interesting fact is that if you are on the go, and you open Google Maps and touch the location icon, the app may ask you to improve your location accuracy using your cell phone camera, which you will have to point towards the street or building. For the Maps application to know the location.

Three strange facts about Google Maps

  1. Secret mountain: In 2014, this was discovered Google Maps He was hiding in a mountain in Greenland called “Mulan”. This mountain appeared as a black hole in satellite images. Google later explained that the image processing software had misinterpreted the mountain and apologized for the error.
  2. Virtual walk: Google Maps not only offers satellite images and street images, but also allows you to explore certain places virtually. Some popular sites, such as the Grand Canyon, offer 360-degree panoramic views that allow users to take a virtual tour around the site without having to be there in person.
  3. Dragon travel time calculator: In 2012, as part of an April Fools’ Day prank, Google Maps introduced a feature called “Dragon Driving Directions.” Users can select this option and receive directions for dragon travel, with travel time estimates and kilometers instead of miles. It was a funny prank from Google that showed off their holiday sense of humor.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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