Wilders’ far-right party has reached an agreement to form a government in the Netherlands

Wilders won the general election on November 22, but was forced to abandon his ambition to become prime minister to open the way for dialogue with other parties (EFE/EPA/KOEN VAN WEEL)

Leader of the extreme right Freedom Party (Pfft), Geert WildersOn Wednesday, a four-way agreement was announced Formation of the government Who will lead Wilders’ own lineup. “We have a government agreement, very good news,” the Dutchman said at the press conference.

In March, the far-right deemed it “unfair” and “unconstitutional” to not receive enough support to become Prime Minister of the Netherlands, despite his victory in the general election in November. He then promised to seek a coalition agreement with the right.

The agreement was reached six months after legislative elections won 37 of the 150 seats in the lower house of the Dutch parliament (Reuters/Piroschka van de Wouw)

“I can only become prime minister if all parties in the coalition support him. This is not the case. I would like to form a right-wing government, so that there would be less asylum and immigration. The Dutch come first. The love for my country and my constituents is greater and more important than my position. I love the Netherlands,” Wilders noted last March, after it was leaked to the local press that the four parties would propose this government formula.

The other three leaders who also resigned from leading the government are the right-wing liberals Dylan Yeshilgoz (VVD), Christian Democratic Party Peter Umtzigt (NSC) and Caroline van der Plasleader of the BBB farmers’ party, who, like Wilders, will be members of parliament They will continue to do their work from Parliamentnot the government.

Dutch Christian Democrat Peter Omtsigt, leader of the National Security Council, in a file photo (EFE/Koen Van Weel)

At the beginning of last February, it became clear that these four parties did not have the sufficient base to form a coalition government with a parliamentary majority, especially because of Omtzigt’s rejection of Wilders’ electoral program, so the four leaders began a new phase of dialogue in order to form a coalition government with a parliamentary majority. Look for alternative formulas.

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It is still unclear who will lead the government. Right-wing coalition It will replace sign Roti, candidate for the position of Secretary General of NATO. Wilders indicated that this decision will be made “later,” according to the Dutch press. Among the most frequently mentioned names is the name of the former Minister of Education and Interior Ronald Plasterkwho also played a key role in supervising the initial negotiations.

The Freedom Party will be the main voice of the new coalition. The agreement includes the formation of an executive authority with a clear division of budget items, and stipulates that ministers can be members of participating parties, although this is not a necessary condition.

Caroline van der Plas, leader of the BBB Farmers’ Party (Reuters/Peruska van de Woo)

Moreover, these ministers will be key Responsible for implementing the agreed upon government program. The process of ratifying the new executive authority may last weeks until it assumes its duties before King William Alexander.

The agreement includes, in addition to the Freedom Party, People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD, 24 seats, governor), A The new social contract (National Security Council, 20 seats, center right) and in Citizen-Farmer Movement (BBB, 7 seats, far right).

In total, they amount to a comfortable majority of 88 seats. After two decades in opposition, Wilders was able to come to power through anti-Islam rhetoric in a country that made tolerance one of its flags.

The parties must now discuss the agreement with their groups of representatives for final approval. In March, the four parties decided to choose a partially technocratic government, consisting of 50% politicians and 50% non-politicians. The last time the Netherlands had such an “expert” government was in 1918.

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(With information from AFP, EFE and Europa Press)

Freddie Dawson

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