The emotional letter Kate Middleton received from an 8-year-old girl she met during her cancer treatment

Kate Middleton with Mila Sneddon in one of their meetings in 2021

After discovering that she had cancer, the Princess of Wales… Kate MiddletonShe began to receive many expressions of affection from all over the world and among themselves, She received a special message from an 8-year-old little friend, whom she met during the pandemic while the girl was fighting her battle against cancer..

In May 2021 Palace Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, ScotlandIt has become a scene for a meeting that goes beyond mere ceremonial events. there Princess WoeIn the course of what seemed to be a routine work within his royal responsibilities, he developed a deep emotional bond with… Mila Sneddona A brave eight-year-old girl who was at the time fighting leukemia. It wasn't just an exchange of pleasantries; It was the seed of a friendship that would soon be subjected to the harshest tests.

Kate Middleton announces that she has cancer

The relationship between Mila And the Princess Kate He was not relegated to a single meeting. It emerged from the depths of shared experiences of pain, struggle, and hope. It was through a photography project Proved The Princess's story, which began in 2020, sees Mila become a face of resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, becoming separated from her family while receiving chemotherapy. The bond was strengthened through phone conversations and a reunion at a carol concert Christmas parties organized by Kate Westminster Abbey In December 2021. Through gestures of complicity and mutual support, it became clear that this was a friendship that transcended the norms of the aristocracy and civil society.

Mila and Kate have seen each other several times since 2020 and now the Princess of Wales' message of encouragement has arrived

In a twist of fate, it was Kate Middleton Who found himself in need of the protection of those to whom he extended his hand. The news of her cancer diagnosis, which was revealed after post-abdominal surgery scans, resonated with Mila and her family. The girl, now in remission after an arduous battle against acute lymphoblastic leukemia, She watched the revelation of her friend, the princess, facing the same illness with a mixture of surprise and sympathy. “You'll be brave because I was, and you'll fight like I did,” Mila expressed. Mirror.

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Ironically, that Kate's public announcement coincided with the second anniversary of her forgiveness.

Mila Sneddon at Holyroodhouse

Mila's mother, Linda SneddonShe said that when Mila learned of Kate's illness, she immediately asked to contact her. “He told me he wanted to send her a card and reach out to her. “Kate had shown Mila so much compassion, care and support during and after treatment, so Mila was very touched to see that she was now facing her own health issues.”

Linda said regretfully: “Cancer is a club that no one wants to belong to,” which reflects the harshness of a reality that does not distinguish between status, race, or age. He added: “We feel very sad when we learned of her joining the club, but we fully support her and wish her the best.” “We have nothing but admiration for her ability to come out and speak out about her situation.”

This story, full of courage, vulnerability and resilience, not only symbolizes the individual struggle against cancer, but also speaks to how human connections transcend social situations. The princess has become patient, and Mila is a survivorthe embodiment of the common fight against cancer.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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