A little about fermentation, the first major advance in food science

Fermentation has been a milestone in food science and its relationship with food undeniable. For example, the discovery of fire not only improved the taste of food but also made it safer and easier to digest.

Thanks to advances in this field, the way we consume food has undergone a radical transformation in recent times, making modern life easier and, in many ways, possible. That’s why we want to highlight one of the most important developments in the history of food: fermentation.

Fermentation, a practice dating back about 5,000 years, plays a vital role in many of our favorite foods. From making wine and beer to making bread and dairy products like yoghurt and pickles, this process not only improves the taste of food but also serves as an effective means of preserving it.

The discovery of the fermentation process dates back to ancient times, with wine and beer making being some of the earliest recorded examples. Although the fermentation process was not fully understood at the time, its importance in food preservation was already clear.

It was Louis Pasteur who provided the first truly scientific understanding of this biochemical process. His studies on fermentation and food preservation, carried out in the second half of the nineteenth century, laid the foundations for the future development of this field of science.

An important milestone in understanding fermentation occurred in the late 19th century, when chemist Eduard Büchner discovered that enzymes in yeast could ferment sugars even without the presence of live yeast. This discovery revolutionized winemaking and led to the development of specific strains of yeast for its production.

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Today, lactic acid fermentation is a popular and accessible option to try at home. Ingredients like collard greens, garlic, kale, and berries can be easily fermented, providing a fun way to explore the science behind this ancient process.

Whether you enjoy beer, wine, or fermented products like yogurt, we honor the rich history of fermentation every time we taste these foods. @mondario

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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