Serial cat killer will go to prison for five years

Tavysismo is not only a national evil, it exists all over the world and it is not a racial, social or genetic issue, it is…a lifestyle, let’s put it. It’s as dangerous as being drugged in Pedro Juan, gay in Iran or giving Efrain a can of Pulp Naranja.

It kills Tavysismo, it’s staunch ignorance, the pride of being an idiot, thinking you have some kind of moral superiority, based on reading fabricated internet blogs, or anonymous audios, from a Guatemalan doctor on WhatsApp, allowing you to be seen by the rest of the solitary bloc, who have an idea Crazy, to ask a famous doctor about medicine, instead of a mystical scientist from Wolfsburg, lives hiding in a cave in the Black Forest, persecuted by Bilgate, Rockefeller, Smirnové group and Chilindrina, but that, oh miracle, managed to upload videos to YouTube, He revealed all kinds of riddles and conspiracies to end humanity, and a chip’s cell phone is hanging on the arm.

Those mentally separated, unfortunately, feel the sacred task, of posting their privileged and top-secret information, in WhatsApp groups in the nursery of their poor son, which they use in anti-mask demonstrations or on Facebook (enemy block ownership). killer), such as WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, Tik tok and Tinder, but some kind of careless and let these blue angels open our eyes and bless them).

Thanks to these esteemed sons of a thousand prostitutes, we lament the poetic license, we have that of the 850,000 eligible to be vaccinated today, among white individuals and citizens aged 60 to 100 or more, less than 400,000 have been vaccinated, out of a total of 500,000 registered almost.

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Cheap and outrageous excuses for those yelling for vaccinations, “I want esponesk,” “Astrakin kills,” “away,” “I have no one to take me” or “The schedule doesn’t suit me,” are varied.

Let’s see Donna or Donna, even if you’re offended, which slips by me, especially when I see that 75/80% of those who are dead, die and will die soon, they have an age range, a vaccine you get whether it’s Russian whether it’s Chinese or Indian or English or Brazilian Or from Mars it will keep you from drowning in a saturated treat or in a corridor lying around waiting for a bed In other words, the vaccine won’t kill you, it can give you a headache for a while (not as much as your Ande ticket every month), a slight fever, like the flu that hits you every General or some muscle aches, that’s from a 60 (bah, 50) thing every day.

Do yourself, your family, and the country a favor and get vaccinated. To the idiot who tells you that “a friend of a neighbor’s cousin died when they gave him an astrasinovacifier,” ask him for the name and place and I guarantee he has no further idea.

Is the government bullshit? Is public health another filth? Are they stealing from us? All answers are correct, such as vaccination when it is your turn. Stop fucking and stop being a part of Tavysismo, and let them die, Kokito said.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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