Strong earthquake in northern Peru | It was 6.1 on the Richer scale

An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale occurred This Friday at a depth of 36 kilometers and 12 to the west of the town of Solana, in Peru, as reported by the National Seismological Center in that country.

The National Institute of Civil Defense indicated that movement was being felt in the neighboring provinces of La Libertad and Tumbes (on the border with Ecuador). In the first moment There were no reports of casualties.

After learning the facts, the national government stated that the President Pedro Castillo He will travel to the Piura region “urgently and as a priority for emergency care caused by the strong earthquake.”

The quake benefited residents of Solana and Tumbes, many of whom took to the streets as a precaution, according to local media. “He was horrified,” Teresa Lama told RPP Lima radio from Solana.

No tsunami warning after Peru earthquake

For its part, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Peruvian Navy ruled out that the earthquake would generate tsunami waves, and the Civil Defense did not record any casualties. The Civil Defense said in a statement that “the competent authorities are evaluating whether there is damage in the most vulnerable areas.”

Andina’s state agency reported that some landslides had occurred on the facade of the cathedral in the city of Piura.

the The earthquake, certified by the US Geological Survey, was recorded at 12.10 Peruvian time (10.10 Argentina time). Sullana is a Peruvian city, provincial capital and homonym in the province of Piura, about 1,030 kilometers north of the national capital, Lima.

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Located on the northern Pacific coast of Peru, it has a population of 233,615 and is the twelfth most populous city in the country. The city is located on the banks of the Shira River and is surrounded by the Amutap Hill.

Every year, Peru experiences at least a hundred earthquakes that are felt for the population, due to its location in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​extensive hilly activity along the western coast of the American continent.

Freddie Dawson

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