Earthquake in Canada Today |  hour |  The last earthquake from July 19 to 21 |  Size |  epicenter |  report |  minute by minute |  Natural Resources Canada |  Narkan |  earthquake |  nnda nnrt |  mix up

Check out the latest official report from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN) about earthquakes that hit Canada today, Wednesday, July 19, across the Canadian territory.In this article you will be able to follow Latest news about earthquakes recorded in Canada todayWednesday,…

The dictatorships of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba made no political gains at the Latin American, Caribbean and European Union Summit

Meeting between Delcy Rodriguez, Lula da Silva, Emmanuel Macron, Gerardo Blaide, Gustavo Petro and Alberto Fernandez, within the framework of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the European Union summit held in Brussels The dictatorships of Venezuela,…

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