More than 200 references from scientific institutions from all over the country discussed the present and future of science and technology promotion

The theme of the conference held today at the Cultural Center for Science (C3) of authorities from universities, references of scientific institutions, promotion organizations, regional agencies and civil servants from all over the country, was to reflect on the present and future of the system for the promotion of science, technology and innovation in Argentina.

The opening was attended by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filmos, who said: “The role of the agency, and not only that today we have a set of other tools and laws, is to continue to promote that Argentina achieve the creation of conditions for sustainable growth based on the transfer of science and technology to the productive sector. Today we have very good experiences, but we have not yet achieved that transformation, which could allow this growth to generate qualified work as well. I believe that based on the great ability and experience that Fernando Pierano has in leading the agency, we can expand this necessary discussion, so that These issues become state politics.”

He continued, “We have very strong, award-winning basic research, dedicated to improving the living conditions of our people and optimizing productive processes, we have universities all over the country, and we need to transfer regional knowledge to change productive and lives. The agency can play a fundamental role in this, and the leadership of Fernando during these years points out this path. Congratulations.”

For his part, R+D+i Agency President Fernando Pierano gave a presentation on the challenges faced by the management and the progress made in establishing a strong national promotion system: “We know that promotion is about more than a transfer of resources and that is why the agency has taken back in In recent years, not only the prizes for hundreds of projects, but also the support and porosity of its walls to be a vital organism open to what the science and research system needs and to be more federal and inclusive in terms of gender and environmental protection. They know science and technology policy and those we have with them Of course, this must be expressed in the economic transformation of our country’s development. Today we propose to define this course “and concluded:” The best defense of the system of science and technology is to continue to change the system of promotion. Transformation carried out by those who know and support the system An expanded social contract.

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From support to accompaniment

From 2020 to date, the agency has awarded 8,000 projects totaling 84,000 million pesos. Of these, 6,000 are related to science and technology, and 30,000 researchers and 1,200 scholarship holders are working around these projects.

In addition, the agency gives support to 1,700 small, medium and cooperative companies for innovation and technological development initiatives and has funded 150 new technology-based companies. In turn, the organization stands out for its evaluations: 22 disciplinary evaluation committees and 90 coordinators participate. The authority issues more than 9,000 evaluation opinions annually. “The R+D+i agency is a great evaluation mechanism and here the state works and does it rigorously,” Fernando Pierano said of the development and strengthening of the body he has chaired since December 2019.

The key is building networks

During the day, discussion workshops were held, and among the conclusions, the need for expression between the different institutions that are part of the system across the country, the possibility of continuing the regionalization of promotion policies and the possibility of designing tools in common was highlighted.

Presentation of the conclusions were in charge of Marisa Sensabella (National Director of FONCYT), Rubén Zarate (Member of the Board of Directors), Alejandra Mann (Minister of Science and Technology of Tierra del Fuego), Cecilia Suleiman (Undersecretary of the Ministry of Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Science), Monica Tirado (Secretary Science and Technology National Tucuman University); and Eduardo Guillermo and Osvaldo Uchitel (members of the Agency’s Board of Directors).

The closure was in charge of Fernando Pierano, and was attended by the National Secretary for University Policies, Oscar Alba. Also present was Carlos Greco, Rector of the National University of San Martin and President of CIN. Sandra Mayall, President of INTI; Daniel Vega, President of Universidad Nacional del Sur and responsible for the CIN Science Committee; Mario Piccini, Vice Director of CONICET and Jorge Calzone, Rector of the University of Avellaneda, among others.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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