“Transgenerational evolution in organizations drives growth in workplace wellness programs.”

Caring for employee well-being is essential to the success and sustainability of any organization. A positive and healthy work environment not only improves employee morale and satisfaction, but also increases their commitment, productivity and loyalty to the company. Additionally, promoting well-being helps reduce stress, absenteeism and work conflicts, which in turn can have a positive impact on company reputation and talent retention. Prioritizing employee well-being is not only an ethical responsibility, but also a smart strategy to foster a thriving work environment and strong organizational culture. This was the main topic of the discussion organized by RRHHDigital and Savia Salud Digital MAPFRE.

In this online roundtable, we had the distinction A group of speakers Who will share their knowledge and experiences in this digital meeting: Carlos HernandezBusiness development Manager Savea, Mapfre Digital Health; marta perez de vargas, Head of the Department of Occupational Psychology and Work Environment Renfei; Angel Brito NodalHealth and Safety Manager Sassir; Rosa Maria GallegoDirector of Occupational Health Renfei.

During the session, representatives spoke Sassir And Renfei She expressed what she was Basic challenges Or the barriers they face when promoting health and well-being among employees. For his part, Prieto admitted: “In our case we had to face several challenges: the diversity of countries, businesses and companies. In this case, we were able to solve the problem through a global platform that gave us access to all places.”

In addition, Business Development Manager at Savea, Mapfre Digital Health It was presented Conclusions From a study published just a few weeks ago.

The report reveals that for 64% of those surveyed by Savea, it is important that their company provides health and wellbeing services. Furthermore, 44% say they consider whether or not the company offers these benefits when changing jobs.

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Those employees who already receive health and wellness benefits from their companies value them more than those who don't have access to them. This trend indicates that these initiatives help companies retain their employees, as 79% of respondents who receive services of this type consider them important. Additionally, 61% indicate that this influences their decision when considering a job change.

In terms of the profile that values ​​health and well-being benefits, families with children (42%) and people aged 55-64 (27%) are the ones who most consider a company offering health services for a job change.

We leave you the full video of the course!

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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