Amid discussions on freedom and security, the United States is moving forward with a ban on TikTok.

Final decision for Senate American on Tik Tok It was not without controversy because The ban on the social network can be seen as a blow to freedom of expression. However, the chief United State, Joe BidenHe expressed his support for the new penalty.

The US Senate has approved a bill that could ban the Chinese platform TikTok if it is its owner. ByteDance, the application does not sell for the next 9 months. Once the period closes, the social network will be officially blocked.

The new law is based on the US government's concerns that the company, which is bringing TikTok to the country, would hand over the data of more than 170 million users. Thus, the impact of this decision had repercussions in several countries around the world, such as banning TikTok for various reasons. It should be noted that in these regions the platform has been used with great acceptance

Thus, since June 2020, India TikTok banned for national security reasons. The Asian country not only banned the Chinese app, but also banned several other apps from the same country. On the other hand, in AfghanistanAfter the coup in 2021, the Taliban banned TikTok because it “misleads young people.”

Other Asian countries bordering China have vetoed its territorial application on social health grounds. like: Uzbekistan, Nepal also Kyrgyzstan. While the government of Nepal stated that TikTok affects “family and social structures,” the Kyrgyz Ministry of Culture considers it harmful to “children’s health and development.”

African countries such as Senegal also Somalia They also blocked the platform. The Somali government stated that the platform was being used to “spread outrageous content and misinformation to the public.” On the other hand, in Senegal, the platform became entangled with the political situation in the country, after the sentencing of the opposition leader, Ousmane Sonko, after the platform became a means for users to express their opposition.

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United kingdom And the European Union I followed the steps TikTok ban In officials' devices, in line with US fear of Chinese espionage. For his part, in response to a question on this topic by Gustavo Torres from the team notepress, Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador He stressed that he does not intend to block the platform, as he values ​​freedom of expression.

As a result of the ban, many countries launched their own platforms to meet the demand that TikTok placed on its users. However, Digital rights activists It indicates that if the social network is blocked then it is Restricting freedom of expression. This was a complaint that has ramifications in several countries and can now be filed in the United States.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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