The 20 titles that facilitate obtaining Canadian citizenship

The Canadian government has announced a list of titles that provide a greater advantage in obtaining permission to settle in the North American country.

The Canadian government announced a new immigration policy that will benefit thousands of young people who want to settle in their country. The North American country has reported a list 20 surnames that are easy to process for Canadian citizenship. This program seeks to return the descendants of its citizens.

The list does not guarantee immediate approval for citizenship, however Offers a significant advantage over other applicants. This difference is a great opportunity because Canada is one of the most chosen destinations by Argentines looking for better economic stability abroad.

The North American country has one of the best economies in the world Minimum salaries are about $1,819 per month, about 2488 US dollars. While the most in-demand professions such as Nurses, programmers, and engineers can earn more than $40,000 per yearThis number increases with seniority and experience in the position

Immigration to Canada: Titles that help with the citizenship process

The list has been made official by the Canadian government to speed up visa procedures It consists of the following titles:

  • Anderson
  • brown
  • Campbell
  • Cote
  • Ghanaians
  • Gautier
  • Johnson
  • Jones
  • LeBlanc
  • is reading
  • McDonald
  • Martin
  • Miller
  • Roy
  • Smith
  • Taylor
  • Thompson
  • Tremblay
  • Williams
  • Wilson

Immigration to Canada: requirements for citizenship


To obtain this document you must meet some basic requirements set by the Canadian government in the following points:

  • You must have direct ancestry from a Canadian father or mother. This feature provides speed in the process but is not the only requirement that must be met.
  • Commitment to the length of stay in the country. You must have lived in Canada for at least 1,095 days within the past five years.
  • Knowledge about Canada. Applicants must demonstrate an understanding of the country's history, values, institutions and symbols.
  • Criminal record. A clean record is required, with no serious crimes in the past five years.
  • Linguistic competence. Applicants are expected to demonstrate proficiency in English or French.
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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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