Jair Bolsonaro met Elon Musk in Brazil: We announced the launch of a network to connect the Amazon

Jair Bolsonaro and Elon Musk meet in Brazil

Billionair Elon Musk and Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, announced on Friday the launch of a satellite communication program for isolated schools and “environmental monitoring” of the Amazon rainforest. Which will be implemented by the multi-millionaire SpaceX company.

Musk, whose project to buy Twitter is capturing the world’s attention, said after meeting at a A luxury hotel in the interior of the state of São Paulo, that the installation of the Starlink satellite network to connect 19,000 rural schools and monitor deforestation in the Amazon is “very good” For “educational and environmental” reasons.

Along with him, the far-right president has been heavily criticized for his environmental policy and record deforestation and fires in the largest tropical forest on the planet, He described Musk as “the myth of freedom” and said he relied on him to show “how to preserve the Amazon rainforest.”

“Y [para mostrar] How much harm is caused to us by those who spread lies around that region,” he added.

Brazil's President, Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters/Amanda Perubelli)
Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters/Amanda Perubelli)

The meeting in which the Minister of Communications also participated, Fabio Faria raised high expectations. And Agence France-Presse found that journalists from various media have been waiting since the morning outside the hotel, guarded by several police cars.

hashtag #Bolsonaro Mask This Friday it became the trend number 1 in Brazil.

The Brazilian government already announced in November that He was negotiating a deal with Musk for his company Space X to provide satellite internet in the Amazon rainforest and help detect illegal deforestation.

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On that occasion, Minister Faria met personally with Musk in Texas, US, and along with a photo of the two of them announced on Twitter that the businessman would be in Brazil “soon”.

Bolsonaro arrives at the meeting with Elon Musk in Sao Paulo REUTERS / Amanda Perubelli
Bolsonaro arrives at the meeting with Elon Musk in Sao Paulo REUTERS / Amanda Perubelli

“So excited to be in Brazil for the launch Starlink for 19,000 Disconnected Schools in Rural and Amazon Environmental Monitoring”, The owner of Tesla and SpaceX, who is meeting with the Brazilian president, tweeted.

Previously, Bolsonaro He said he planned to have a personal meeting.”booked up“in that city”With a very important person recognized all over the world“.”Comes to help the Amazon’,” the president said in his weekly broadcast on social media, without mentioning names.

Musk’s decision Bolsonaro and his far-right followers have already praised the takeover of Twitter, Those who criticize the policies to combat fake news and hate messages on social media, considering that they infringe on freedom of expression.

“The example you gave us when the Twitter purchase was announced, He left us a breath of hope.”the president told Musk on Friday.

Due to Twitter’s current control policy, Several of Bolsonaro’s posts have been removed from the network due to “disinformation”.

Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, will appear in Sao Paulo and meet with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters)
Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, will appear in Sao Paulo and meet with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters)

On Friday, Musk surprised his visit to Brazil. It is read as a tribute to Bolsonaro when there are five months left before the celebration of Presidential elections in which he aspires to be re-elected.

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The richest man in the country announced, via his social media, today that he will launch his own satellite system Starlink in 19,000 schools offline in rural areas, a technology that will also allow “environmental monitoring” of the Amazon.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro hopes to meet with Elon Musk to discuss an Internet project in the Amazon (EFE)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro hopes to meet with Elon Musk to discuss an Internet project in the Amazon (EFE)

“We have Musk so that the Amazon knows everyone in Brazil and the world, To show the abundance of that region, how it is being preserved, and how much harm is caused to us by those who spread lies about that region,” Bolsonaro said.

Deforestation in the Amazon reached record levels during the government of the far-right leader Environmental organizations attribute the increase in destruction to less control due to successive budget cuts.

Moreover, Bolsonaro is Supporter of economic exploitation in the jungle and advocate of a bill to legalize industrial mining on indigenous lands.

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reached a new record for the month of April, with more than 1,000 square kilometers, the equivalent of 140,000 football fields, cut down, according to satellite data released Friday.
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reached a new record for the month of April, with more than 1,000 square kilometers, the equivalent of 140,000 football fields, cut down, according to satellite data released Friday.

muskCEO of SpaceX And Tesla, is currently the richest person in the world, according to the magazine ForbesWith a fortune estimated at $220,000 million. The entrepreneur captured the world’s attention by announcing last month his plan to buy the social network Twitterfor which it was offered $44 billion.

(With information from AFP and local media). –

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Freddie Dawson

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