Why do mosquitoes always bite you? Science already has the answer

It causes angry reactions and unleashes a dilemma Multiple theories There is no definitive answer. So far. Because of Mosquitoes bite more For some people than for others? It looks like the key is in The smell that everyone gives off, Determining that some are particularly attractive compared to others that are not instinctively attracts this insect depending on its levels Carboxylic acid On the skin.

This is what a study he conducted revealed Rockefeller University, New York, And published in 'cell', It has been confirmed that people with high levels of this substance are up to 100 times more attractive to females “Aedes aegypti” Mosquitoes responsible for spreading diseases such as Dengue, yellow fever and Zika.


Carboxylic acid is produced in the skin through grease, A substance that serves as food for millions of people Beneficial microorganisms Which produces more carboxylic acid. The aforementioned acid can generate an intense and distinctive odor that seems to attract animals. Female mosquito.

This research can help find new products with which Change the smell Secreted by a person who produces too much carboxylic acid, Prevent or make stings more difficult Mosquitoes, thus spreading diseases that affect about 700 million people annually.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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