Microsoft is adding a new feature to Word that its users have been clamoring for for years — Teach Me About Science

Microsoft It always listens to its users' requests, and this time it's Word's turn. A long-requested change is finally a reality, and that's about the Copy and Paste tool. Here we tell you more about it.

With the arrival of computers and new technologies, new techniques have also emerged for displaying documents, projects, and writings, among other types of written work, which were usually done by hand or on typewriters.

Thus was born the text development program created by Microsoft, which they called “Word”, a very popular name since its inception in 1983, as it is an application widely used all over the world, especially in business areas.

Microsoft Word is a word processor, with which you can develop texts of any type, as well as capture graphs, tables, images and many other functions that this amazing application has.

Since its launch, Word has gone through many changes, making it the word processor par excellence in the world, as the tools it offers us are very useful and diverse.

Although many people think that Word is already perfect and doesn't need more, Microsoft is surprising us with a recent new change that makes this text program even more useful and complete.

This latest change is one that many Word users have been asking for for several years, and now Microsoft has made it happen. The modification is related to the “Copy” and “Paste” tool.this new tool is called “Merge formatting”.

Image credit: Practical Computer

All users of Microsoft Word will understand what we are talking about when we say that sometimes copying and pasting information from the Internet into Word is quite tedious, since it adheres to the format that the web page used to have, a situation that forced us to modify the text to what a tie In the format we use in our document.

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When you are about to copy and paste text from the web into Word, you can use a command on your keyboard for greater ease, 'Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + Vto copy, but the problem was that the copied text, table, chart or image was always pasted in a different format than the one we used in the document.

Now, with the new 'Merge Formatting' tool, this won't be a problem, as its job is to adapt the copied elements to the formatting used in the document.

The new function in question will be available by default, that is, it will be automatic and It can be activated in the following way:

1. Go to Word Settings.

2. Select “Advanced”.

3. Locate the “Paste from another program” option.

4. Make sure “Format Fusion” is selected.

Likewise, every time you paste some formatting or text into your documents, a small options window will automatically appear from which you can also access Merge Formatting.

But, to make it more dynamic, Microsoft added the command “Cartel+Shift+V', through which you can paste text without any formatting, other than the formatting you use in your documents.

This change will be reflected in Microsoft's upcoming update for Word, version 2405, but only on Windows, where Mac will have to wait a little longer.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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