A mysterious 'L'-shaped structure found near the Egyptian pyramids of Giza is baffling scientists

The investigation identified the 'anomaly' consisting of an L-shaped surface structure (shutterstock).

A recent discovery in Western Giza Cemetery, Egypt, It came to the attention of the international community after a joint research team revealed the presence of a possible unknown underground structure. The team was composed of specialists from Nippon Higashi International University, Tohoku University, National Research Center of Japan, and Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) in Helwan, Egypt.

Specialists used advanced ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technologies between 2021 and 2023 to conduct exploration. Geophysics.

The research, which aims to clarify the unknown in ancient Egypt, has determined, “abnormalityWhich consists of A building superficial in “Web applications Connected to a deeper room. According to data obtained through GPR and ERT, this structure has approx 10 meters by 10 metres And even fall 2 meters below the surfaceIt appears to be filled with sand, suggesting that it was deliberately hidden after it was built.

Below, at a depth of approximately 5 to 10 metres, ERT detected a large-scale anomaly characterized by high electrical resistivity, which… Indicates the presence of a different substancePossibly associated with ancient structures or cavities.

The Western Cemetery in Giza has been the subject of excavations since the beginning of the twentieth century (Europe Press)

Use GPR and ERT in archeology It's not new, but technologies have evolved significantly since the 1980s. “We have come to see these methods not only as tools to locate undiscovered artifacts or structures, but also to protect and preserve our archaeological heritage.said a member of the research team. The ability of these technologies to provide false 3D visualizations of the Earth's interior has revolutionized the way we understand complex archaeological sites such as Giza.

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The Western Cemetery of Giza has been the subject of excavation since the beginning of the 20th century Twentieth century, Although many of its terraces –Typical ancient cemeteries of the area– It has been excavated, and there are still unexplored areas. Specifically, the research team decided to focus on a seemingly empty, measured area 560 meters from east to west and 370 meters from north to souththat its surface did not show any signs of the presence of prominent structures.

The mystery surrounding the Western Cemetery is largely concentrated over a large area abnormality It was revealed at its northern end. This finding extended beyond what conventional techniques would have allowed us to explore. “We think the continuity of the shallow structure and the large, deep structure is important.” The researchers stated, highlighting the importance of methodological synchronization.

The discovery, which is shaped like the letter “L”, could indicate a “large underground archaeological building” – Reuters/Amr Abdullah Dalsh

The essence of this discovery lies in the specific characteristics of the detected anomalies. Most notably, the “L”-shaped one can stand for “A large underground archaeological structure“, perhaps it has to do with the majestic legacies of ancient civilizations that inhabited the region. In addition, ERT images, processed using advanced techniques such as the RES2DINV software, have helped clearly define areas of high resistivity, indicating the presence of distinct subsurface materials, such as blocks of Limestone or air conglomerates.

Institutional collaboration has been essential to the development of this project, which has the assistance of key figures from around the world Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Among them are Dr. Ahmed Issa and Dr. Mustafa Waziri, who facilitated the research at this site with a rich history. Far from being a mere formality, this collaboration represents a bridge between modern science and the mysteries of ancient civilisations, opening new paths to understanding and preserving cultural heritage.

The importance of the discovery lies in demonstrating the effectiveness of modern technology in preserving and studying cultural heritage (Getty)

The importance of this discovery lies not only in the possibility of identifying new structures in the rich The archaeological context in EgyptBut also in demonstrating its effectiveness Modern technology In preserving and studying cultural heritage. Previous studies in the area, such as those conducted around or near the Queen's Pyramid sphinxThe value of these methods in detecting underground structures has already been demonstrated.

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The results of this study reveal the need for further exploration. “Prompt excavation is crucial to determining the purpose of these structures.“, noted one of the researchers, suggesting the possibility that the discovery could reveal unknown aspects of the ancient civilization.

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