Alberto Fernandez and Another Difficult Task: Reconciling Conflicting Interests in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations under the Watchful Eye of the United States

The president must work out a balance to reconcile positions within the American forum

Every day Alberto Fernandez faces the complex task of leading Argentina out of the economic crisis with external debt as one of the major determining factors. Where structural problems – poverty, inflation, insecurity and social inequality – are reinforced by the restless COVID pandemic. In this framework, the Argentine president faces new challenges, under the leadership of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the regional forum in which 32 countries coexist, the vast majority opposes the policies pursued by the United States in the region.

Although both the head of state and his advisor Santiago Cafiero marked in their speeches that this forumHe was not born to oppose anyone. As for To interfere in the political and economic life of any countryThe differences regarding the role that the OAS should play in Latin America within the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States cannot be hidden.

Columbia’s message, in this sense, once again divided the waters. Maria Carmelina Londono He read out the letter entrusted to him by his President, Vice-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of that State, Marta Lucia Ramirez It was classified as ‘Great mistake and great irresponsibility’ The idea supported by various countries with left-wing governments in the region to leave the commission headed by Uruguay Louis Almagro.

Colombia is also promoting the suspension as members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations for Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela because it maintains that these three members did not honor the commitment signed in 2011 as the Declaration to Defend Democracy. “In case of the collapse of the democratic system, or violation of human rights, or ignorance of fundamental rights and freedoms, or torture, or deprivation of freedom of opinion, or arbitrary detention, there must be penalties”Londono has been preserved.

Counsellor Santiago Cavero
Counsellor Santiago Cavero

Neither Cuba nor Nicaragua nor Venezuela have recognized irregularities in their internal political situation. This is one of the aspects in which Alberto Fernandez has to balance. It will have to act as a “diplomatic broker” to find ways of consensus. He has always shown himself as a staunch advocate of non-interference in the internal politics of others.

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“He has always encouraged consensus and pluralism within the framework of democratic coexistence without any kind of exceptions.”Fernandez noted in one section of his presentation after his dedication as president of the multilateral organization.

One of the first tests that can help you strengthen your mandate will come in March, when it unfolds top of the americas, which is held by the Organization of American States every year, in Miami. American states questioned about practices considered undemocratic, with complaints about human rights abuses or where there is political persecution they do not participate. Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela have always been excluded, and Bolivia may suffer the same fate.

There is already a precedent: Joseph Biden excluded the state ruled by the leader of the movement for socialism, Louis Ars, from the top of democracy, less than a month ago, on December 11. Argentina has shown its disapproval of the US president’s determination, who has also removed China from the guest list, among others.

“Bolivia suffered a coup that was supported by a large part of the international community and the Organization of American States, and it managed to restore and restore democracy, and today the institutions there are fully operational,” Fernandez said at the time. , who will now have to make new efforts to reconcile these conflicting interests. If you are accepted into Bolivia, you will already consider it one of your first achievements.

The president said:
“You feel stronger when you know that brothers from Latin America and the Caribbean are with you,” said the President.

The Argentine president was also able to include continental support for sovereignty claims over the Falkland Islands and also in negotiations before the International Monetary Fund on external debt. “You feel stronger when you know that your brothers from Latin America and the Caribbean are with you‘, was sentenced.

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In this presentation with the International Monetary Fund appears the focus of another conflict. Because Biden notes with concern that many members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations, who are closest to populism, see the People’s Republic of China as a trading ally as well as a geopolitical one. Government Shi Jimping He made alliances on the continent that aroused suspicion in the United States. There is an open confrontation there and the end of this show is very uncertain.

Foreign ministers and heads of delegations of the constituent countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)
Foreign ministers and heads of delegations of the constituent countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

Cafiero stated that during the interim Argentine presidency, work will be carried out on the basis of 15 axes. They are the economic recovery after COVID; regional health strategy; space cooperation; science, technology and innovation for social inclusion; comprehensive disaster management; education; Institutional Strengthening and the CELAC Anti-Corruption Agenda; Food Safety; Dialogue with partners from outside the region; Infrastructure integration of Latin America and the Caribbean; environmental cooperation; Develop and improve the work of the group. Improving the status and condition of women in member countries; digital transformation and collaboration; and culture.

We will work on the institutional strengthening of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States through spaces for dialogue and agreement, with an always open agenda, always inviting everyone and listening to all voices.‘, the chancellor expressed optimism. Although he knows that a difficult task awaits him in a forum of many opinions and opposing interests.

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