Webb Telescope: Joe Biden released the first and deepest picture of the universe

The White House Yesterday afternoon he revealed the “deepest picture of the universe” with a clarity never achieved before. caught James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful thing ever thrown into orbit. This announcement was made by the President of the United States, Joe Bidenwith cum Kamala Harris and team Container Directed by Bill Nelson.

This is a group photo Galaxies SMACS 0723, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, spans a section of the sky revealing thousands of galaxies in a tiny patch of the universe. The picture posted is Down payment From a complete series that will be released by NASA in the coming days full color and telescope data known as spectral.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has captured the deepest infrared image of the distant universe to date.Space Telescope Science Institute Office of Public Outreach – STScI

Webb Space Telescope is a international mission Led by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency. Launched on Christmas Day 2021 and finally positioned 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, its 6.5-meter main mirror seeks to achieve more precise observations than those of its predecessor, Hubble telescope.

Harris was responsible for presenting historical eventPrelude to tablet image. “What we will see will inspire generations to look at the sky with longing and ambition,” he said. Vice President of the United States.

The show was delayed by an hour because Biden was preparing for it international tour by The Middle East. “There is Dr. Nelson, the only person here who has been in space. This symbolizes the spirit of American engineering. The federal government should invest in Science and Technology, even more than in the past. There is nothing above our capabilities. The president said and revealed the photo to the members’ applause.

Joe Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris and the NASA team, during the presentation
Joe Biden, with Vice President Kamala Harris and the NASA team, during the presentationEvan Fauci – AFP

“What are we seeing?” Biden later added to tease the specialists.

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“You see me Earth This is a grain of sand at your fingertips. What we see is small part of the universe. We see galaxies sparkling around other galaxies. 100 years ago we thought there was only one galaxy, now we know their number is infinite. This is only the first picture. that it window to the universe to 13.8 trillion light years-We’re going to the beginning of it all. The web telescope It is so precise that we will see the planets and determine by their formation whether they are habitable or not,” explained the specialists in Container who accompanied the presidential delegation at the presentation.

The Infrared capabilities of the James Webb telescope allows it to pass a stretch cosmic dust clouds and discover the light coming from first stars, which extended to infrared wavelengths as did the universe. This factor allows it to see the past more than any other telescope, up to and after the great explosion13.8 billion years ago.

James Webb Space Telescope
James Webb Space Telescope
Northrop Grumman Corporation – Northrop Grumman

The first note is one of five announced this week. It corresponds to the “deep field”, which is an image taken with a stretch show time Too long, to detect the faintest of objects in the distance.

Webb got the shot by directing his chief photographer to SMEX 0723, a clump of massive foreground galaxies that amplify and distort the light from objects behind them. This gives him a deep view of very distant and intrinsically weak groups of galaxies. Nelson He called this infrared image “the deepest image of our universe ever taken.”

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Posted this picture is an introduction For what arrives tomorrow, when the rest of the first snapshots taken by the telescope appear and show the moment when it begins operating at full capacity.

The newspaper speculated that these are the other four things that will be shown Country:

The Carina Nebula. Located 7,600 light-years from Earth, it is the brightest known nebula, and stars are born and die within it.

WASP-96b. A giant planet somewhat larger than Jupiter and 1150 light-years away. If a year on Earth lasts 365 days, which is the time it takes our planet to complete an orbit around the Sun, then this world is so close to its star that every year it lasts only three and a half days. The main feature of this huge gaseous world is that, unlike Jupiter or Saturn, it does not appear to have clouds. Webb’s spectroscopy data is expected to point to the elements in the atmosphere to confirm previous observations made with other telescopes.

NGC 3132. This massive cloud of gas surrounds a dying star 2,000 light-years from Earth. It is also known as Southern Ring NebulaIt can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.

Stephen Quintet. The first compact galaxy cluster, discovered in 1877 by French astronomer Edouard Jean-Marie Stéphane. It is about 300 million light years away. Four of their galaxies are united by their own gravitational forces in a violent choreography that sometimes causes them to collide, reviving the birth of new stars.

With information from AFP, Europa Press and NASA

Lovell Loxley

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