Venezuelans in Argentina demanded the ability to vote in the presidential elections: “We want to register, it is our right!”

Venezuelans in Argentina demanded that the electoral register be opened to vote in the presidential elections

a group of Venezuelan immigrants in Argentina Today, Monday, it denounced the Venezuelan regime’s failure to open the electoral list registration process, when it headed to its embassy headquarters in Buenos Aires with the aim of registering and voting in the upcoming presidential elections next July.

“We want to register, it's our right!”The Venezuelans allegedly gathered at the door of the embassy, ​​according to what Venezuelans circulated on social media, after they were informed that Registration abroad will not be opened until further notice.

Although it National Electoral Council CNE had announced that the special operation would begin on Monday in all consular headquarters. This was not achieved in Argentina.

First Secretary of the Embassy in Buenos Aires, Nestor OcandoHe told the migrants that the CNE machine to carry out this operation had not yet arrived from Venezuela, and that when it arrived in Buenos Aires it would be “notified,” according to the sources.

“This human right, every minute that passes, is being violated“, one citizen responded to Ocando.

Venezuelans in Argentina demanded that the electoral register be opened to vote in the presidential elections

dictator of venezuela, Nicolas MaduroHe, who has been in power since 2013, will seek a third term Elections July 28While the anti-Chavista opposition candidate, Maria Corina Machado, will not be able to run in the elections by decision of the electoral justice in that country.

Head of the Machado Campaign Command in Argentina, Adriana Flores He stressed that this “violates the timetable set by the National Migration Commission itself,” according to the statement issued by the migrants.

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“We have people from different places in the interior of Argentina who lost their working day to travel to Buenos Aires to register, and they were not able to exercise this right. “They are not giving us a specific answer or information about when we will be able to start this process.”Flores denounced.

Secretary General of the Argentine Forum for Democracy in the Region (FADER), Elisa TrottaHe explained that Of the more than 220,000 Venezuelans living in Argentina, only about 2,000 are registered to vote.

“Since 2018, the National Electoral Commission has not allowed the electoral register to be updated abroad, violating our right to participate in decision-making in our country. We Venezuelans want to vote in free elections to restore our democracy, and Maduro is obstructing this possibility with his arbitrariness. The international community must not remain silent In the face of these violations,” the former “ambassador” to Argentina of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said in the same statement.

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE/Rainer Peña

In Venezuela, on Sunday, many anti-Chavismo groups and leaders denounced the decision. The National Electoral Council created obstacles to competing in the presidential elections On July 28, such as the exclusion of parties and potential candidates.

In this sense, training Bridgeone of those affected by the alleged action, announced on the CNE page, as is former Governor Cesar Pérez Vivas.

also, Movement towards socialism (MAS) Another party mentioned in “Banned” lists It reported that an extraordinary national conference had been held “to discuss the latest political events.”

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next to, Popular will (Vice President) The party he leads Leopoldo LopezHe considered this a “systematic attack” by the executive authority, calling on the governments of other countries to do “everything in their power to prevent this escalation.”

The training on the same social network highlighted: “We are alerting the international community to the new maneuvers applied by Chavismo to restrict the desire of Venezuelans for change in the presidential elections.”

Maduro, who has been in power since 2013, He confirmed on Saturday that he will seek a third term in the electionsIt is still unclear who her opponents will be, due to the disqualification that prevents the former representative from competing Maria Corina MachadoHe was elected in the primaries as a candidate of the main opposition coalition.

Machado He blamed Maduro on Sunday for “'Very serious violations' Signed agreements regarding presidential elections.

He added: “The regime continues to commit mistakes, violates everything it signed, and refuses to hold clean presidential elections this year.” “They are committing very serious violations (…) They are trying to prevent my candidacy,” the anti-Chavista activist said in a video clip she shared on social networks.

(With information from EFE)

Freddie Dawson

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