Nacional fans may be fined for obstructing a plane in El Dorado

El Dorado Airport. Bogota Colombia. Photo: private file

This Wednesday, November 24 A group of Atlético Nacional fans block the entrance to a plane at El Dorado International Airport in Bogota That is why they can pay fines of six million pesos each.

The event occurred in the morning when the airline Latam He had to cancel a flight to Pereira from the country’s capital. Although the flight had already begun, bad weather forced the pilot to return to the international airport, news that did not meet well with the football fans who were traveling on that plane.

A group of football fans traveled to the capital, Risaralda, to attend the match between Deportivo Pereira and Atlético Nacional, which will play the second leg of the 2021 Copa del Rey final, and the match will be held at the Hernan Ramirez Villegas stadium.

When the plane arrived again at El Dorado International Airport due to weather conditionsPassengers have been informed that the flight has been cancelled. That’s when the fans got out of hand.

A group of Paisa fans got off the plane, and once on the runway they decided to prevent entry to another plane, preventing passengers from disembarking, causing chaos in the airport terminal.

For its part, LATAM Colombia confirmed that before canceling the trip to Pereira, users were presented with various alternatives. Among the outbound flights the airline was said to have put on the table was flying with other airlines.

According to Latam, some users were able to travel with another airline, while some agreed to schedule a new flight and others traveled by road.

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Aerocivil announced related administrative procedures

After the altercation that occurred on the runway of El Dorado International Airport, the civil aviation company announced that He will initiate the corresponding administrative procedures in accordance with those laid down in the Aviation Regulations of Colombia (RAC).

In Figures 3 and 13, these regulations specify financial administrative penalties for 185 UVT, That’s more than six million pesosFor a passenger “or who at the airport utters insults or insults to the airport, health or police authorities”, this also applies to those who perform inconveniences on board the aircraft or in departure halls, counters or other airport facilities, or urge others to do so.

Aerocivil also confirmed that it will release copies of the documentation of what happened to other authorities So that investigations can be carried out and substantiated if there is scope for other types of sanctions For the citizens who caused havoc on El Dorado.

Similarly, the Civil Air Navigation Special Administrative Unit has asked citizens who are traveling by air, to know their rights as well as know their duties when mobilizing in this way. The above so that it is fully adhered to and to avoid penalties and harassment.

Aerocivil called on “users to know their duties and rights under the aviation regulations of Colombia, to the operators to publish them to their users and not to take actual measures that might impose severe penalties on them by the relevant authorities in Colombia and the world”.

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