United States: Federal Judge Freezes Joe Biden Immigrant Deportation Suspension | The world | DW

Texas attorney general, Republican Ken Paxton, filed a lawsuit against Biden’s decision last week on the grounds that the new administration had acted arbitrarily by not consulting the executive order in advance with the state.

Judge Drew B. Tipton of the Southern District Court in Texas suspended the national enforcement of Biden’s order on the same day he took office, Jan.20. The order issued on Tuesday said: “I prohibit the application and enforcement of the policies described in the January 20 memo entitled“ Immediate halt to a hundred days of expulsions ”.

On his first day in the White House, Biden signed a series of enforcement measures, many of them related to immigration matters, and one of them was to halt deportations “of some non-citizens who have been deported” to ensure the United States has a fair and effective immigration system.

Republicans and Trump friends in the courts

Paxton is known for its frequent defiance of democratic immigration programs. Tipton, for his part, is a judge appointed by former President Donald Trump, and a hearing is scheduled for January 28, during which the parties will have to explain their arguments.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a non-governmental organization, briefed in favor of the action by the Biden government, and asked the court to deny the request. The ACLU argued that Texas had failed to prove “irreparable harm,” a requirement for its request for a temporary restraining order to block the president’s executive order, and that this allegation was unfounded.

Huddleston stressed that “the administration’s suspension of deportations is not only legal, but is necessary to ensure that families are not separated and that people do not return to danger unnecessarily while the new administration reviews previous measures.”

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Goff (Eve, Reuters)

Sacha Woodward

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