This very dangerous habit from the United States reaches Spain: experts are worried


Be very careful when applying this custom from the United States.

  • January Manzanas
  • Marketing graduate and expert in digital marketing. Editor at OK Diario. An expert on curiosities, pets, consumption and the Christmas lottery.

he cultural exchange It has a wide range of benefits for society: it promotes tolerance and empathy; It allows you to gain new knowledge about different languages, traditions and ways of life; Promotes understanding and cooperation between countries, etc.

However, sometimes there are some certainties Customs that should not cross the borderSuch ones that arrived in Spain come from the United States and carry many health risks, experts warn. A very dangerous habit that you should not practice under any circumstances, despite the videos spread on social media that talk about its benefits.

The most dangerous habit in the United States comes to Spain

Wash raw chicken with dish soap and a cleaning cloth before cooking It is not a safe or recommended practice from a nutritional health standpoint.

the Food Safety and Nutrition Agency It is highly recommended not to wash chicken before preparing it, as this process can spread dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella, throughout the kitchen and other utensils, increasing the risk of cross-contamination. In addition, the use of dishwashers and scrub pads introduces chemicals and residue into the chicken, which may pose a health risk if consumed after washing in this manner.

Although some people try to make sure the chicken is clean before cooking, this practice, although well-intentioned, is dangerous because it produces the opposite effect than the desired result. Furthermore it, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) In the United States, the kitchen can become contaminated with bacteria that is spread by splashing water when washing chicken.

For their part, two experts from Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Studies have indicated that approximately 40% to 60% of chicken is contaminated with Campylobacter bacteria, which can cause diarrhea. It is important to note that washing raw chicken can increase the risk of spreading bacteria such as Salmonella and Campylobacter to other foods, cookware and kitchen surfaces due to water droplets containing these bacteria.

Practical tips

It is recommended Place raw chicken in a disposable bag before storing it in the refrigerator. In addition, it is necessary to wash hands well with soap after handling it and use the cutting board exclusively for this type of meat, without using it for other foods. The crucial point is to avoid placing cooked or fresh foods near the chicken in the refrigerator.

Proper cooking is essential to eliminate any bacteria that may be present in raw chicken. Be sure to Cook it to a safe temperature of at least 75 degreesTo ensure that it is fully cooked and safe for consumption.

Can it be cooked in the dishwasher?

Although it may seem strange, there are those who are Utilize the heat generated during the dishwasher’s wash cycle to cook food. The idea is to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher along with several jars of food inside. This way, the food is cooked with the benefit of cleaning the utensils.

Although this practice has become widespread recently, it is not new. This method appeared in 2016 by Lisa Casale, Author of the book “Cooking in the Dishwasher”Where she shares tips and recipes for this method. According to Casali, with a dishwasher, as surprising as it may be, you can cook delicious dishes with textures and flavors that can’t be achieved with traditional cooking techniques.

However, experts warn against it, though The dishwasher generates heat during the wash cyclegenerally does not reach high enough temperatures to completely eliminate pathogens or bacteria found in raw foods.

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Sacha Woodward

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