Video: A car burned in the southern region and firefighters were forced to move

A car burning in the southern region caused a state of panic among the residents of the city of Alice at 4900 hours. The fire broke out in the early hours of Saturday morning, forcing the fire department to intervene to put out the fire, although the damage could not be completely prevented.

Firefighters intervened around 2 a.m. Upon their arrival at the aforementioned address, they met A gray Chevrolet Astra consumed by fire.

After 30 minutes of firefighting missions, specialists examined the completely destroyed car. By noticing it In the trunk there was a CNG tube, They applied cooling techniques to prevent the situation from generating any greater danger.

At this moment it is not known whether The fire occurred due to something wrong with the car or was intentional. The specific thing is that the car had no signs of being vandalized as it had its four wheels and also maintained the battery.

What was ruled out was that the car had been disposed of after a criminal act had occurred as the owner was present at the scene.

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Freddie Dawson

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