The WhatsApp feature that everyone uses that affects “working memory”: what to do

Pay attention to the trick that the messaging app hides to make the most of its operating capabilities.

in The WhatsApp It is natural that you will discover different tricks that will allow you to take full advantage of the operation of the application. Then we leave you the next trick to discover new uses and surprise your contacts. Pay attention and find out.

The WhatsApp function that everyone uses but that ruins your brain: What are you doing

study Research into WhatsApp usage habits among adolescents and how distractions generated by instant messaging affected working memory performance.

The data indicated that Distractions through phone use and apps like WhatsApp have reduced the so-called working memory. Working memory, also called operational memory, should be understood as the set of structures and processes that allow animals to keep information temporarily active, allowing this input to be processed and processed when it is not within the reach of the senses.

Distractions and “impulsivity” in listening to phonics, according to the study, also reduced learning effectiveness. Constant changes in technology have contributed to a lifestyle based on constant multitasking and limited attention.

Although at first glance it seems that listening to audio faster saves time, the truth is that it generates less understanding and less attention to minutes and details, which leads to less comprehension.

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Freddie Dawson

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