The most accurate images ever of deep space galaxies

  • ivy gosh
  • Science reporter, BBC News

image source, R. Timmerman / Louvre


A supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy shoots jets of material through space.

Astronomers have captured some of the most detailed images ever of galaxies in deep space.

They are of much higher definition than usual and reveal the inner workings of galaxies in unprecedented detail.

Can many photos Highlight the role of black holes in the formation of stars and planets.

Researchers say the pictures It will transform our understanding On how galaxies evolve.

The images are of radio waves emitted by galaxies.

Researchers often study radio waves from astronomical objects rather than the visible light they emit because it allows them to see things they might otherwise be. Obscured by Earth’s atmosphere or dust and gases in distant galaxies.

Many regions of space that are dark to our eyes actually burn up in the radio waves they emit.

This allows astronomers to observe regions where stars are forming or the cores of galaxies.

What’s new is that the team has greatly improved the resolution of radio images Connecting more than 70,000 small antennas distributed in nine European countries.

image source, BBC News


The height of the antennas is one meter.

Combining radio signals from many antennas is not easy.

Achievement is a technical achievement Directed by Lea Morabito from Durham University, UK.

“Analysis of the data for so long and then finally getting those pictures and being the first person to see what you look like, it’s amazing,” he told BBC News.

The photo at the top of the page was made by a member of the Morabito team.

It shows a barely visible galaxy, amidst jets of orange matter, captured from both sides, each much larger than the galaxy itself.

Airplanes caused by a A supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy, A being with such strong gravity that not even light can escape.

image source, N. Ramirez-Olivencia / LOFAR


merge galaxies.

sleep cycle

Matter would normally be sucked in, but the internal drag also creates forces around the black hole causing the matter to be flung very far into space.

These planes have been observed before, but Astronomers have obtained new scientific information from the dark bands From the plane on the right, which we haven’t seen before.

Astronomers believe that these represent periods of relative inactivity From a black hole, when it ejects less material.

Therefore, the image gives researchers an idea of The “sleep cycle” of a black hole.

image source, F. Swegen / LOFA


The galaxy is created.

The image above shows the collision of two galaxies.

The bright spot on the left is caused by an explosion of stars – creating what is effective galactic windBlowing dust and gas away from it.

up and down there Jets of material thrown into the hole Inner black.

Usually, these first galaxies cannot be studied in detail.

But now, for the first time, astronomers have seen someone’s structure at radio frequencies, providing important scientific information about how a black hole interacts with its environment.

The pictures reveal that Galaxies are much more than just a group of stars.

They are dynamic factories for the production of the sun and planets, powered by black holes, according to Neil Jackson of the University of Manchester.

“until the Veteran astronomers say “Wow!” When they see these pictures.

image source, LK Morabito / LK Williams


The image on the left is a galaxy seen in visible light. The middle image shows the same galaxy but is seen at radio frequencies and to the right is the high-resolution image.

“It has become very clear, To understand the evolution of galaxies, we need to fully understand the black hole in the center, Because it seems to have a fundamental impact on how galaxies evolve and that’s what these images allow us to do,” says Jackson.

Morabito says that images like this help astronomers learn how these processes that created stars and planets, including our own, work. own solar system.

image source, LK Morabito


Morabito at the International Network of Telescopes known as Lofar.

Millions of galaxies

The first results led to the publication of nine scientific articles on the dynamics of black holes in galaxies.

But this is just the beginning of the team. They plan to survey millions of galaxies in the next years.

“I think there are definitely some surprises waiting for us,” Morabito says. “Every time you start doing something new in astronomy, you always discover things you never expected.”

Lovell Loxley

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