The BBC published pictures showing the Taliban executing civilians

The BBC Get pictures that Leave the evidence Like the Taliban Is also killing civilians In Panjshir, one of the provinces Afghanistan Since the said extremist movement came to power, there has been greater resistance.

In the video that was broadcast, a man in a military uniform forced to move forward Even seconds later, I heard several shots and the victim fall lifeless.

It is not known whether he was part of the army or not, because the camouflage pants he wore are a familiar dress in that region, which is located 150 kilometers northeast of the capital. Acceptance.

intermittent communication at that location, which makes it difficult to get more details on the captured episode.

“If they are merchants, they can go to their stores. If they are farmers they can go to their farms. We are here to protect you“Their lives and their families,” Taliban spokesman Malawi Abdullah Rahmani said as he entered the province.

However, the BBC confirmed it More than 20 people were killed Since Panjshir suffered from the arrival of the Taliban in the beginning They promised moderation.

He was one of the people executed Abdul Sami is a merchant and father of two sons. after existence Accused of selling mobile phone sims Neighbors advised the resistance fighters to flee when the Taliban arrived. However, he was not afraid that something might happen to him and stayed there.

For his part, Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, confirmed to the BBC that they had no information about this case, as well as the location of its occurrence.

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“If any army or militia attacks our soldiers, Our fighters have the right to defend themselves“, to caution.

Screenshot from a BBC video of civilians being executed in Afghanistan.

On the other hand, Patricia Gusman, Deputy Director Human Rights Watch As for Asia, he said they are “documenting abuses human rights All over the country “this” is what appears to be happening in Panjshir, as well as in other places, is this Arrests and executionsEspecially the former members of the security forces.”

In Panjshir, opposition leader Ahmad Shah Massoud led the struggles that successfully fended off Soviet forces in the 1980s, and ten years later, The Taliban themselves.

In this new Taliban offensive, it was Massoud’s son, Ahmed, who led the resistance. However, last week the extremists declared victory and showed their fighters waving the flag of radical movement.

A complaint from the United Nations for human rights

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, denounced, Monday, that “practice on the ground” Not consistent with the “Declared Commitments” By the Taliban, which promised restraint and respect for human rights.

In addition, the former president of Chile beware of receiving “Reliable” allegations Murders“For former members of the Afghan National Security Forces, as well”Arbitrary arrestscivilians. The video shown by the BBC on Tuesday adds to this assertion.

“Although the Taliban have made public statements that they intend to pardon former security personnel and public officials, prohibit house searches and guarantee women’s rights under Islamic law, the information we have gathered in the procedure is possible, and which we consider to be on good grounds, indicates that field practice It often contradicts these obligations“, pointed out.

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On the other hand, Bachelet complained about the role of women within the policies imposed by the Taliban: “In many areas They are prohibited from appearing in public without a male companion. In many professional sectors, they are facing increasing restrictions. Also, it was limited Girls getting an educationAnd in several regions, those over the age of twelve are prohibited from attending school.”


Freddie Dawson

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