On the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping threatened “decisive action” to annex Taiwan

chinese president, Xi JinpingOn Thursday, he reiterated Beijing’s determination to include the self-governing Taiwan Under his control, in the speech marking the centenary of the Communist Party.

Xi, who was dressed in a gray Mao Zedong-style button-down suit, said:We must take decisive action to completely defeat any attempt towards “Taiwan independence” and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation.“.

In a speech that lasted for more than an hour—preceded by a hundred cannon salute—the president said that Taiwan, a self-governing island over which Beijing claims sovereignty, is a priority issue:Resolving the Taiwan issue and realizing the complete reunification of China is a historic task and unwavering commitment of the CPC.”.

Giant screens in Tiananmen Square (Reuters)

The president also said that China had restored order in Hong Kong after anti-government protests paralyzed the semi-autonomous city in 2019.

“No one should underestimate the great resolve, firm will and extraordinary ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the president added. In this sense, Shi noted that “China will equip its armed forces with greater capacity and more reliable means“.

We must speed up the modernization of national defense. Xi, who heads China’s Central Military Commission, said he dominates the three forces of the communist system (state, party and army).

In a speech in Beijing’s famous Tiananmen Square, Xi added in front of some 70,000 people gathered there:The Chinese people will never allow foreign forces to intimidate and oppress them. Anyone who does this is in danger of collapsing before the Great Wall of China, which was built by 1,400 million ChineseIn addition, she commended hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty in just a few decades.


On Thursday morning, 100 cannonballs rang out in Beijing to mark the centenary. The Air Force acrobatic patrol flew over Tiananmen Square, drawing red, yellow and blue rays in the sky. Some helicopters formed the number “100” in the sky, while others carried the party’s flag and yellow hammer and sickle on a red background.

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Chinese media attribute success in controlling the epidemic to the authoritarian regime in force, and contrast it with the epidemic chaos of Western democracies.

Few voices question the balance of the regime, which has further suppressed dissent under Xi, at the helm of the party, and thus the state, since the end of 2012.

Xi’s remarks come as China is immersed The competition with the United States is increasing For the status of world power, India faced due to its disputed borders. Beijing also claims uninhabited islands in the hands of Japan and almost the entirety of the East China Sea, while threatening to invade Taiwan, with which Washington has strengthened its military relations and sales.

Wu Qiang, a former professor of political science at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing, says the CCP “seeks to link its survival with the survival of China and the Chinese people”.


Internationally, between COVID-19 and the suppression of the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang (Northwest) and threats against Taiwan, China’s image in the past two years has fallen to the lowest among most countries. According to a study published Wednesday by the US Pew Research Center.

The centenary celebrations come just one year after Beijing imposed a national security law on Hong Kong that dramatically reduced political opposition in the former British colony.

Thursday also marks 24 years since the territory’s return to China, a date that is often the cause of protests against Beijing.

Hong Kong police banned gatherings this year, citing health reasons, and deployed 10,000 troops to enforce the ban, according to local press.

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But calm prevailed in Hong Kong on Thursday, and the only demonstration was organized by four pro-democracy activists who had gathered near a ceremony commemorating the re-aggression.

(With information from EFE, AFP, AP)

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