OECD warns of possible slowdown in Spain’s economic expansion

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) continues to receive Month More signs of the Spanish economy accelerating, Albeit weak, at a rate higher than the long-term trend. in December, Your advanced composite indicator, indicating reversals in the economic cycle in advance, is back in progress as it has for more than a year, although the rate of rise is slowing, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development noted Monday in a statement and Efe collection.

In the last month, the index rose five hundred (it had risen six in November and 11 in October) up to 101.48 points, which means a result clearly above the 100 level which represents the long-term average. This development contrasts with most of the organization’s large economies, whose statistics fell slightly in December, which the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development interpreted as meaning that a strong recovery Those experienced after the Covid crisis can be mitigated then.

Specifically, it was already possible to exceed the peak of the indicators in some of those countries such as Canada, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, which have been falling for a few months, although all are still above 100 points. The same applies to the eurozone as a whole.

In the United States, this drop led to December figures For the second month in a row less than 100 points (99.91 points), which is less than the long-term trend. Among the members of the G7, whose more favorable trend is France, with an index that continues to advance as Spain. In his case, the rise was also five hundred last month to 100.10 points.

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The situation in Latin America

On the other hand, the OECD is also showing signs of economic growth above the long-term trend in Colombia, Mexico and Chile, although these are The last two countries could have reached their peak. As it was happening in previous months, they fell slightly for Chile (9 hundredth to 101.40 points) and Mexico (10 hundredth to 101.60).

The development is more favorable in the case of Colombia, since its statistics have been on the rise for more than a year and in December it grew again, although very slightly (the hundredth). With a score of 101.97 points, Colombia stands out for one of the values higher than the members of the organization.

Those responsible for monitoring these statistics note that the robust economic recovery seen after the crisis triggered by Covid could have peaked in some large economies.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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