“Ignorance or selectivity?” Human Rights Watch responds to Alberto Fernandez after he said human rights abuses in Venezuela “no longer exist.”

President Alberto Fernandez. (Marcus Schreiber/Reuters)

After the questions he received because of his travel to Jujuy Province only To visit Milagro Salawho continues to be hospitalized because of a deep venous thrombosis On his left leg the chief Alberto Fernandez He gave a TV interview He emphasized that there were “no longer” complaints about human rights violations in Venezuela. This elicited an almost immediate response from Human Rights Watch (Human Rights Watch)where they repudiated his statements, and warned, in turn, of the dangerous situation in the country ruled by Nicolás Maduro.

“For me, the issue of human rights has no ideology or science. When I felt that human rights in Venezuela were at risk, I asked the United Nations to investigate what was happening in the field of human rights. Thank God we voted this way because things in Venezuela have improved a lot.” Those complaints no longer existFernandez confirmed last night, in a full report to C5N.

However, for Tamara TarajikThe director of Human Rights Watch for the Americas, said that the reality that the Venezuelan people live in is completely contrary to what the president described, and announced this via his Twitter account. “President Fernandez said today that complaints about human rights violations in Venezuela ‘no longer exist.’” This morning in Geneva, Michelle Bachelet presented her report on Fazla and described a grim picture. Ignorance or selectivity?reads the tweet of Taraciuk, who also shared the words the former Chilean president revealed yesterday while presenting her report on repeated complaints about human rights abuses in the Caribbean nation.

during Update of its report on the human rights situation in VenezuelaBachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed her “concern” as a result of “166 unjustified restrictions on democratic and civic space, including stigmatization, criminalization, and threats against dissenting voices” Documented by his team in Venezuelan territory.

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I reiterate my request for the immediate release of all those arbitrarily detained. In particular, Bachelet urged the Maduro regime, on those whose detention was deemed arbitrary by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, and those who had served their sentence or obtained release tickets.

Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Bachelet spoke about complaints about freedom of expression “34 cases of harassment, censorship and confiscation of media equipment, in addition to cases of blocking media web portals”.

Finally, he warned: “There remains concern about the use of counter-terrorism and organized crime legislation against the work of human rights defenders and media workers. These practices must stop.“.

Contrary to what Fernandez, Argentina’s representative today at the United Nations, said, Federico VillegasI admit it “The human rights situation in Venezuela remains critical.”

We echo High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s recommendations which calls for prompt, independent, impartial, transparent and credible investigations into cases of alleged human rights violations, that those responsible are brought to justice and that victims are adequately compensated,” HRC.

Along the same lines, he added: “We urge Venezuela to continue expanding cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights by establishing a permanent office in the country, facilitating the implementation of recommendations drawn from international human rights protection mechanisms, such as United Nations bodies, treaties, special procedures and the third cycle of the universal periodic review”. Finally, the Argentine ambassador called for “the lifting of unilateral sanctions.”

In conjunction with the troubling present regarding human rights, Venezuela is immersed in it deep health crisisreason The Venezuelan Medical Federation requested a meeting with the dictator Maduro.

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The hospital situation represents a technical shutdown in over 95% due to abandonment of its facilities, lack of maintenance, lack of medical equipment, work tools, monitoring, electricity, water, elevators, supplies and medicine, among other needs.”, confirmed the head of the FMV, Douglas Leon NatiraQuoted in a press release.

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