IDEAL, by Carlos Slim, has agreed to sell more shares to Canadian funds

Mexico City /

Building Promoter of Development and Employment in Latin America (Ideal), from businessman Carlos Slim, that they have signed a binding agreement with Canadian trusts Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Council (Ontario Teachers) And Canada Pension Plan Investment Council (CCP Investment) To increase its share by 8.4% and 1.1%, respectively.

Pursuant to the above, the participation of Ontario Educators y Investing CCP The company owns 24.8 percent each, while maintaining the current group of shareholders in Ideal Most” headlines, he pointed out.

In this way, foreign companies will get 49.6 percent, while in March last year it already acquired several shares and the company from Carlos Slim.

The construction company IDEAL stated that this stock purchase is subject to certain conditions Obtaining the necessary institutional and governmental permits.

The Mexican company currently operates fifteen highway concessions, three transfer port terminals and two water treatment plants, in addition to having various projects under construction such as the highway Las Varas Vallarta, in Nayarit and Mitla Tehuantepec, is located in Oaxaca.

The total investment in these last two projects amounted to 20 billion pesos.


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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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