Fight fatigue and apathy caused by autumn asthenia in 7 successful steps

In the same way that there is vernal asthenia, there is Autumnal asthenia. Almost between a 10% and 20% of the population is affected by this Syndrome. It’s about a Temporary physical and mental condition Characterized by a lack of energy and Mood disorders. the Autumnal asthenia It happens as a result Change of season Although the traditional time changes at the end of October, lower temperatures ensue Imbalance in our circadian rhythms It can help make symptoms more noticeable.

How long does asthenia last in the fall?

We sleep worse, It has been changed Hormonal and emotional balance, Defenses go down The body… But in any case, it is always a temporary state. If not, it is best to consult a doctor. “It is very important that during 15 days Since this disorder usually persists, various measures are taken focusing on health care and well-being. Yes in deed, If symptoms of low mood or stress persist After this period, it is recommended Consultation with a specialist To exclude correctly Generalized anxiety syndrome or chronic stressWhich requires more specific treatment,” he points out Dr. Marta Lopez TomasMedical Director of eHealth for Cigna, Spain.

6 symptoms of autumn weakness

the Autumnal asthenia It manifests itself in some way Different in every person But some of The most common symptoms Are these:

  • Big sensation Fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Decrease in energy And vitality.
  • Changes in your moodSuch as sadness, irritation, or lack of motivation.
  • It’s hard to concentrate.
  • Loss of interest In daily activities.
  • Increased appetiteEspecially foods rich in carbohydrates.
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6 steps to fight autumn fatigue

A little bit of the advice To combat this phenomenon, they are:

1. Exercise and stay active during the day.

With the Atmospheric pressure changeOur joints can feel bad. It is recommended to practice Do regular, low-impact exercise To strengthen the muscles and joint system.

2. Include nutrient-dense foods in your diet.

based on Mediterranean diet It will benefit our physical and mental well-being. If your joints suffer from fall stress, you can include it in your menu Foods that contain a high percentage of anti-inflammatory agents (ginger, garlic, turmeric), with Antioxidants (Green tea) is rich in it Omega 3 (Blue fish – salmon, tuna, and mackerel), which contains a high percentage of Vitamin E (Nuts, green leafy vegetables, etc.)

3. Make sure you get enough rest and maintain a regular sleep schedule.

The more regular you are Sleep schedules The more you help yourself overcome the symptoms of autumn asthenia. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

4. Make the most of exposure to natural light.

when you Your exposure to the sun It doesn’t just improve your moodPlus, you’re helping your body Rebalancing circadian rhythms They change during the season. Therefore, it is very important to make use of the meeting minutes Break in the office To go out to get some air and have fun Natural light. This will help reduce the presence of melatonin It will increase serotoninThe feeling of sadness and fatigue decreases during the work day.

5. Reduce stress levels as much as possible.

he pressure It can affect the reduction Level of defenses, already low during the autumn period. Take the opportunity to take care of yourself and don’t demand too much of yourself.

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6. Protect yourself from the cold.

Low temperatures can affect our joints, defenses and bodies moodAnd also provocation Runny nose and cold.

7. Ask for emotional support if you need it.

If you realize that your Emotions are so intense and they get the better of youIt is preferable to seek help from a specialist.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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