Compensation for monotributistas and the self-employed | AFIP will return 1,345 million pesos

AFIP will pay over 1,345 million pesos to consolidated employees and self-employed people who have paid their obligations by automatic debit or credit card during 2021. Compliance advantage reaches more than 649,000 small taxpayers nationwide: 557,000 bondholders individual and 92 thousand self-employed.

The procedure carried out by the body headed by Mercedes Marco del Pont consists in returning part of the tax component paid throughout the year. Reach out to those who paid their monthly fee on time. The number of small taxpayers who will receive refunds this year is 62 percent higher than it was in 2021. The increase is mainly due to increased compliance by consolidators and the self-employed.

Beneficiaries will receive an amount equal to the integrated monthly tax. The payment will be automatically credited to the attached bank accounts or credit cards as a method of payment for each committed taxpayer. Those taxpayers who started the activity in the last year, and therefore did not pay the full 12 months, will get a 50 percent refund, provided the number of installments paid on time is between 6 and 11, both.

The amount deposited – or the reasons for not making a refund – can be consulted in the “CCMA – Monotax and Self-Employed Current Account” service, which is entered with the tax code.

AFIP also clarified that small taxpayers who wish to comply with the automatic deduction can obtain information on how to do so at

Postponement and forgiveness

Compensation for monotributistas and freelancers has been added to other benefits put into place in recent months for small taxpayers such as a moratorium and debt relief of up to 100,000 pesos, contained in the Tax Relief Act. These tools have been used by more than 857,000 small taxpayers.

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AFIP in December enabled debt relief provided by the Tax Relief Act. Taxpayers were able to request this benefit to settle tax, customs, and Social Security obligations due as of August 31, 2021. The tax exemption included compensatory and punitive benefits, fines, and penalties.

Debt forgiveness can be requested by non-profit entities and organizations such as neighborhood clubs, work cooperatives, schools, grassroots libraries, and community organizations. It also covered debts of less than 100,000 pesos from monotributistas and other small taxpayers, and from micro and small businesses with MiPME certification.

The tax exemption law also included a suspension of obligations due from August 31, 2021 and a mechanism for rehabilitating expired payment plans, both of which are already in effect. It also included benefits for compliant taxpayers and the implementation of procedures to facilitate compliance with obligations arising from inspections.

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