Cell phone and food, a combination that can affect health

Cell phones are associated with weight gain when used during meals. (Frebek)

the smart phones They accompany people in any daily activity, and eat in front of them phone It has become common practice. Except for ethical considerations, no negative results or side effects have been associated with it. However, data from various investigations have found unfavorable health consequences regarding use Cell phone While we eat.

One of the most notable results is the change in the rate of eating in the long term: the presence of a cell phone at this time of day can increase the speed of eating. A change was also observed in the signals sent by the brain while the digestive system receives dishes and nutrients, according to a study conducted by the Institute University of Bristol (UoB) published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Another organization that has investigated the issue of cell phone use during mealtimes is… University of Notre Dame in Kyoto (kendo), There was a relationship with weight gain. The study led by Prof Tomoko Fujiwara He recruited a group of 213 Japanese students who were divided into two groups. The first group ate a meal without any distractions, while the second group ate the same meal in front of their mobile devices, browsing social media, watching videos, or playing video games.

One of the main findings of the study conducted at the University of Notre Dame in Kyoto was a three-pound gain in young women who used mobile phones during their meal times. (Archive/Information).

Before and after the start, the girls were weighed to compare results after eating. This experiment lasted three years, and the results published in 2016 indicated that girls who put their mobile phones between their fingers while eating increased their number. Three kilos More compared to others. The main reasons as I explained FujiwaraThis was due to the eyes being distracted from the plate, which disrupted the way the brain perceived the intake. By delaying this sensation, people ate more food, according to the results of the study published in Integrative food, nutrition and metabolism.

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Also study Bristol Council It has been suggested that digital distractions during meals can alter perception glut person. Focus on screens, there is a greater tendency to Ignore the body’s signals that you are full. This has been observed in people who eat while watching television. The results can lead to overeating, contribute to weight gain and change appetite regulation, explained one of the authors of the research, Dr. Jeff Brunstrom.

When you pay more attention to screens, you forget how much you ate, and you feel less full. (Illustrative image).

In addition, there was another side effect: the amount a person put into his mouth if he focused more on the screen, especially video games. In the main observations of the Nutrition and Behavior Unit of this institution, fast eating as a result of deviations was highlighted. At the end of the day, a person may eat double the portions. This increase in the rate of consumption is usually linked to the distraction to which humans are exposed. Even the study participants who paid less attention to dishes, They forgot what they ate.

These findings have implications for people’s health: being overweight is not just an aesthetic issue but is linked to problems such as: Type 2 diabetesCardiovascular diseases and joint problems.

Another negative outcome identified was A Slow digestion. This may be due to excess air resulting from chewing incorrectly. Finally, it can also lead to an increased preference for junk foods over healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, according to the International University of Catalonia.

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Freddie Dawson

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