Adorni included libertarian activists in conferences and attacked journalists

The government decided that liberation activists would join Manuel Adorni's press conferences to ask him questions with journalists. Disguised as “journalism university students” Casa Rosada allowed non-journalists to attend presidential speakers' conferences. For now, it will only be Friday.

Today it is A's turn A private university called OTT, dedicated to hospitality and tourism and whose curriculum does not include any profession related to journalism or communication.

asked third-year students in the public relations program midway through the conference. The last question was to the student who attacked the Casa Rosada journalists: “As students we wanted to know, how do you maintain your calm in the face of the barrage of biased questions you receive? Really, isn’t it?” Adorny asked.

The government's goal is to monetize, discredit and seize journalists' questions at Adorni's press conferences. The decision was made two weeks ago After some journalists consulted the official spokesman about the number of Javier Miley's dogs, which is a state secret.

Those kinds of questions They angered Adorni's team as well as Javier Maile. They considered that they “messed with the president's family” and also attacked journalists for questioning the president's mental health.

And This is not the government's only advance against the press. They are now analyzing the launch of an email for residents to register and ask questions at press conferences with journalists. The question of the day by the libertarian student against journalists is probably not the only or first time that Casa Rosada has advanced this plan.

Thus, Miley is trying to turn press conferences into a liberal political action and also against journalists, one of the sectors most attacked by the president since he took office on December 10, 2023.

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Freddie Dawson

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