Bill Gates made a powerful prediction for the year 2050 and it affects us all

In addition to being considered a brilliant mind in the world of technology, he is the co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates He was also consecrated as An accurate source of predictions On issues relevant to all mankind.

in this meaning, education It’s a cause that ranks high on the American philanthropist’s priority list. So much so that the organization he shares with his ex-wife –Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation– Allocates millions of dollars in multiple projects to democratize learning at all levels.

That’s because the billionaire sees a dim outlook for those who don’t finish after school. As he wrote on his personal blog –Gates NotesTwo-thirds of all jobs in the United States It will require some education after high school for the year 2025.

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In his last letter, portals Reveal the difficulties that many suffer from Black, Latino, and low-income studentsto finish the journey from high school to higher education, to a fulfilling career

For a disproportionate percentage of them, it’s never complete. There Lots of bumps, barriers and detours In the way and there is not enough guidance to guide them,” the former Microsoft CEO wrote about it.

This exclusion has deepened during a pandemic covid-19, that made a lot of students Postponement of post-secondary education.

The billionaire expressed his great concern about this scenario: β€œThe data tells us that people who do not go to university within two years of obtaining their high school diplomas have less likely to persist And eventually get that degree or accreditation after high school.”

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solution according portalsit depends on Contact the students ahead of time And make sure they get what they need to stay on track. This includes:

  • Quality counseling that helps students determine the appropriate college and career plan.
  • Give them access to (and credit for) college-level courses, so they can see themselves as successful college students and save time and money to earn that degree.
  • Ensure that these credits are transferable between institutions and count toward their grade.
  • Help them obtain educational experiences related to the job, such as project-based assignments, internships, and job shadowing; This way, they can understand what it’s really like to do the job they’re interested in, gain relevant skills and experience, and make connections in the field.

Freddie Dawson

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