Vice President of Colombia in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: “If you want to come, no problem.”

After the decision of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to undertake a mission to Colombia, due to complaints about the abuse of public force in the midst of social protests, the Vice-President of that country, Marta Lucia Ramirez said that the country gates Open.

After the events at Bogota airport, which ended with the deportation of Juan Grabua, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights insisted on a permit to enter Colombia, given this Understand that it is an urgent need. But Ivan Duque’s government responded by refusing until now, until the completion of the internal investigations, which will be on June 29.

However, this Wednesday, according to El Tiempo, in the meetings that Ramirez had with IACHR representatives in Washington, DC, USA, The vice president would have opened the doors to the country and invited the UN Human Rights Commission to enter. ““If they want to come tomorrow, no problem,” the Colombian newspaper quoted him as saying.

“The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights states clearly that they met me, and invited them to come to Colombia as soon as the hearing that started They put the date on June 29 They will assess the information they requested from the Attorney General’s office, the attorney general’s office, and the Comptroller’s office, ”the foreign minister said.

Ramirez reports that he met with the president of IACHR, Antonia Origola. Executive Secretary, Maria Claudia Polido; Commissioners Stuardo Rallone, Julisa Mantilla, Flavia Biovisan and Joel Hernandez; Spiritually Reaffirming the firm commitment of the Duque administration to respect human rights And with continuous work towards institutional strengthening.

Colombia’s Vice President and Foreign Minister Maria Lucia Ramirez.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights had issued a statement the previous night in which it insisted He asked for permission to visit the country, but he took another text on Wednesday, More severe, as he expressed his concern about the human rights violations that have occurred since the beginning of the social protests, at the end of April, by the security forces.

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To the repeated requests for travel authorization, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights today added another complaint. The commission found that the complaints regarding 132 people who remain in disappearance are extremely serious and for whom the Office of the Public Prosecutor maintains an urgent search mechanism. The committee warned that with the passage of days, these people are still missing, especially when it appears that some of the 276 who were reported missing have lost their lives.

This Tuesday, the social leader, Graboa, a member of the Observer delegation, was arrested and deported from Colombia, while he was participating in a mission to ease the human rights situation in the context of the recent repression he was exposed to.

On his Twitter account, he said: “I arrested him and an authoritarian government attacked him again. Now in a small room. Waiting. My fellow Argentinians and Colombians are trying to solve the outside, we are not afraid! The great homeland stands.” Hours later, he was forced to return to Buenos Aires.


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