A government management system based on science and innovation as part of the government visit agenda to Villa Clara ‘Cuba’ Granma

The government team headed by a member of the Politburo of the party and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, who began its activity on Friday at the Central University of “Marta Abreu” in Las Villas, has arrived in the entire province of Villa Clara.

During the meeting, UCL contributions to a system of government based on science and innovation were presented, with the participation of directors, professors and students of this postgraduate house.

According to the presidency’s account on Twitter, Dr. Osana Muliro, Dean of “Marta Abreu”, confirmed that the meeting is being held in the context of the 70th anniversary of that university, in which remarkable scientific results have accumulated impact in various fields.

Among the contributions of UCLV to science and innovation, the following stand out:

A broad academic offer covering almost all areas of knowledge.
Develop advisory projects for municipal governments for decision-making.
– Alliances with the Ministries of Education and Public Health.

For his part, the President of the National Institute of Water Resources, Antonio Rodriguez Rodriguez, highlighted in the meeting the contributions of this center in training qualified cadres and how the scientific results of “Marta Abreu” have a positive impact on the work of the Institute.

Also from his Twitter account, Deputy Prime Minister, Jorge Luis Perdomo de Lilla, posted that at Villa Clara University there was an exchange about its undergraduate and postgraduate activities, research, development and innovation projects with strategic production sectors and services, and work in municipalities in support of local development strategies.

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Among his considerations, Marrero Cruz emphasized that the preparation and qualification of the workforce must be envisaged in the municipal development strategy to achieve successful implementation, and that there is a need for a permanent exchange of national and international news, so that everyone is updated.

Despite the significant contribution to the economic and social development of the country of UCLV, the Prime Minister emphasized that we cannot rest on our laurels.

“There are still many problems to be solved and that is why your contribution is very important. Special solutions are essential.”

On the potential and talents that exist in Santa Clara for the development of various productions, the Politburo member and Vice President of the Republic, Salvador Valdes Mesa, met on Friday.

“At the Arcoiris de Santa Clara entertainment center, we participated in the New Economic Actors Fair. The potential and the talent is there, the challenge is in the integration, the integration and the connections,” the vice president posted from his Twitter account.

José Angel Portal Miranda, Minister of Public Health, highlighted from his account on the same social network that with young medical science students in Villa Clara they started the second day of work of the government visit on Friday. “Dialogue with future health professionals is not only useful for perfecting their training: it is also necessary,” he said.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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