The diplomatic crisis that was not | opinion

From Rio de Janeiro

They ask me to comment on the diplomatic crisis. I ask: What crisis?

This is a crisis created by the media. Lula once again condemned the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians. A statement that is now widely accepted by the vast majority of opinion makers.

Who can remain insensitive to the genocide of Palestinians, especially Palestinians? Children and women Palestinians? The most terrifying images of this century are those of Palestinian children.

I wonder how Israelis can look at these pictures, praised by their government minister, and not feel deep guilt for what they do, every day, with dozens or hundreds of dead.

Any human being who is not shocked by this genocide, and does not accept to call it genocide, has already lost his sensitivity and humanity. Lula did the obvious and expressed our anger at all of this. We represent ourselves in it.

However, suddenly the media started raging in the opposite direction. Lula would have respected the Jews and all their victims. This unfounded misinterpretation has led to the mobilization of the right and far-rightWhat they love most: finding Lola's potential mistakes.

Some have already found the basis of the alleged errors: Lola's improvisation. With an irresponsible stance, Lula would have started talking about the most dangerous global conflict in the contemporary world, to equate phenomena, abuse victims, and acquit the guilty.

The other reason for these errors is that Lula was not aware of the suffering of the Jews, which justified the genocide launched by Israel.

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None of this is justified in light of what the Brazilian president has already said. When we analyze what he said, we realize that Lula did not even mention the word Holocaust.

After the initial media onslaught, when the effects in Brazil and other countries around the world revealed their true effects, everything turned positive for Lula.

The artificial nature of a crisis that never existed is clear. But the media lives on that. Lula's success, as president of Brazil and as a world leader, is unbearable for the right. Lula's success is a failure of the right and its media.

The media is searching for some of the alleged mistakes made by Lula, seeking to erode his public image, and if successful, it will affect his ability to govern, his ability to lead the country, his prestige, and his popular support.

They live by generating crises, then they start conducting dialogues with people about this crisis, and try to give it their existence, as if it were a real phenomenon. The headlines started mentioning it. Well, the crisis is there, the country is in crisis, the government is in crisis.

The first thing to do, then, is to uncover and dismantle the supposed crisis. Is the country in crisis? The government is in crisis. Is there a crisis? What crisis is this?

More importantly, what is this broker? What role does she have? To educate people? To form people's conscience? Is it an axis of opposition to the government?

Freddie Dawson

"Beer specialist. Award-winning tv enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total social media junkie. Gamer. Amateur writer. Creator."

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